java - Input missmatch exception -

so far have text file looks this:

// comment, lines start // // (and blank lines) should ignored   [electrictool data] // data rechargeable, power, timesborrowed, onloan, toolname, itemcode, cost, weight true,18v,12,false,makita bhp452rfwx,rd2001,14995,1800 etc... 

and following code go through text file:

public void readdata() { try{     filedialog filedialogbox = new filedialog(myframe, "open", filedialog.load);     filedialogbox.setvisible(true);     string filename = filedialogbox.getfile();     file datafile = new file(filename);     scanner scanner = new scanner(datafile);           string lineoftext;         string typeofdata="";    while(scanner.hasnext())    {        lineoftext = scanner.nextline().trim();                    electrictool electrictool = new electrictool();                   if (lineoftext.startswith("[electrictool data]")){            typeofdata="electrictool";         }                else if (!lineoftext.isempty() ){         if (!lineoftext.startswith("//")){          if ( typeofdata.equals("electrictool")){           scanner sc = new scanner(lineoftext).usedelimiter(",");           electrictool.extracttokens(sc);           toollist.add(electrictool);           itemcount++;           sc.close();          }        }     }   }   scanner.close();  }       catch(filenotfoundexception ex)  {     system.out.println("error: file not found! ");  } } 

and problematic method:

public void extracttokens(scanner sc) {        recheargable = sc.nextboolean();        power =;        super.extracttokens(sc); } 

the recheargable declared boolean: private boolean recheargable;

it gives me missmatch exception when gets rechargeable=sc.nextboolean(); maybe problem in if statements in readdata method ? have tried redo if statements, did not worked. ideas how fix missmatch ?

i wanted verify , created following test:

public static void main(string[] args) {     scanner sc = new scanner("true,18v,12,false,makita bhp452rfwx,rd2001,14995,1800").usedelimiter(",");     if (sc.hasnext()) {         try {             system.out.println(sc.nextboolean());         } catch (exception e) {             system.err.println(;         }     }     while (sc.hasnext()) {         system.out.println(;     } } 

its working should, change code following determe problem

public void extracttokens(scanner sc) {     try {         recheargable = sc.nextboolean();     } catch (exception e) {         system.err.println("troublemaker: " +;     }     power =;     super.extracttokens(sc); } 

edit #1: according answer, can't confirm, may want try more error detection. guess problem @ point.

public void extracttokensx(scanner sc) {     try {         recheargable = sc.nextboolean();         power =;         super.extracttokens(sc);     } catch (exception e) {         system.err.println("dumping rest of troubeling line: ");         while (sc.hasnext()) {             system.err.print( + " - ");         }     } } 


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