mainframe - How to output to a sequential file from SORT? -

i new ibm mainframe , in need of sorting data (provided lecturer) , writing output previously-created sequential dataset.

//run1     exec newds,mlq=cw,llq=data1,  //          qty=trk,pri=100,sec=50,    //          type=basic,              //          recsize=80,fm='fb,dsorg=ps'   

the above jcl allocated new ps dataset , need write output of sort data1 jcl below code have far process

//myjcl2 job 1,notify=&sysuid                                      //sort     exec pgm=sort                                           //sysout   dd sysout=*                                             //sortin   dd dsn=&sysuid..labs.jcl(areacode),disp=shr             //sortout  dd dsn=&,disp=shr               sort fields=(5,17,ch,d)                                          

//myjcl2 job 1,notify=&sysuid                                      //sort     exec pgm=sort                                           //sysout   dd sysout=*                                             //sortin   dd dsn=&sysuid..labs.jcl(areacode),disp=shr             //sortout  dd dsn=&,disp=old               sort fields=(5,17,ch,d)   

your problem specifying member-name (areacode) on output dataset, plain sequential file, , pds (partitioned dataset) or pdse (extended of same) can have members. remove that, system no longer confused whether using ps or pds/pdse.

i've changed disp=shr on output dataset disp=old. prevent possibly mangling file whilst updating @ same time. disp=old, can open in 1 place @ time.
