
Showing posts from 2010

Getting the value from a jQuery Mobile slider in 1.4.2 -

i'm trying value jquery mobile slider in 1.4.2 can write in code user adjust volume. i've tried exact code of answers posted on jquerymobile: how work slider events? none of them seem work anymore. here codepen showing results of accepted answer; ideas how working? thanks! you can handle "change" event on slider: $(document).on("pagecreate","#settings", function() { $('#slider').on("change", function(){ alert($(this).val()); }); });

email - Test mail() function of PHP on localhost with Windows 8.1 -

how can test mail () function on local server? use windows 8. i tried using 'test mail server tool' ( ) tool did not work, email not saved anywhere after execution of function . on windows php needs additional configuration. smtp settings relevant. the emulator "test-mail-server-tool" listens on specified port, 25 , writes mail send there specific folder. takes place of real smtp server, in fact it's dummy testing purposes. if mail sent, should in specified folder of "tmst". complete walk-through install "test-mail-server-tool" start tool go tray: set port 25 , folder email output create new php file source code send mail example below execute php file (in browser or on cli) go defined email output folder find "*.eml" file content of email basic php example sending mail <?php $from = "sender@

c++ - Drawing Multiple shapes in openGL/GLUT -

i have code , trying draw 2 hexagons 1 show up. first time using opengl although i've used c++ time now. first hexagon shows second 1 seen. sorry comments in there trying draw 121 of hexagons in loop. #include <iostream> #include <gl/glut.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #define _use_math_defines #include <math.h> void displaycall(){ int x = 0; int y = 0; glclearcolor(1, 1, 1, 1); glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit); glenable(gl_depth_test); glmatrixmode(gl_projection); glloadidentity(); glortho(-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 500.0); glmatrixmode(gl_modelview); glloadidentity(); glscalef(.005, .005, .005); // enable polygon offsets, , offset filled polygons forward 2.5 glenable(gl_polygon_offset_fill); glpolygonoffset(-2.5f, -2.5f); // set render mode line rendering thick line width glpolygonmode(gl_front_and_back, gl_line); gllinewidth(3.0f); // set colour white //glcolor3f(1.0f,

ios - Change Animation Speed Series of Images -

i have series of images, want them repeat. however, want first half play in, example 2 seconds, second half play in 5 seconds. it quite easy play series of images, using following - (void) completecycles:(int) cycles inhalepercentage:(int) inhalepercent exhalepercentage:(int) exhalepercent totalcycletime:(int) time { nsmutablearray *textures = [nsmutablearray array]; (int = 0; < knumberbreathingimages; i++) { nsstring *texturename = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"breath%d.png", i]; (int = 0; < inhalepercent; i++) { [textures addobject:[uiimage imagenamed:texturename]]; } } (int = knumberbreathingimages - 1; > 0; i--) { nsstring *texturename = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"breath%d.png", i]; (int = 0; < exhalepercent; i++) { [textures addobject:[uiimage imagenamed:texturename]]; } } self.animationimageview.animationimages = textures; self.ani

website - How to hide .html extension with web hosting? -

i have website hosted cpanel x on godaddy , trying hide .html extension when click new pages. how can go hiding .html? please have @ link below: how remove .php, .html, .htm extensions .htaccess if want remove .html extension html file example have alter last line code above match filename: rewriterule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.html [nc,l]

dataframe - Efficient conditional summing by multiple conditions in R -

i'm struggling finding efficient solution following problem: i have large manipulated data frame around 8 columns , 80000 rows includes multiple data types. want create new data frame includes sum of 1 column if conditions large data frame met. imagine head of original data frame looks this. column $years.raw indicates company measured data x years. > cbind(company.raw,years.raw,source,amount.inkg) company.raw years.raw source amount.inkg [1,] "c1" "1" "ink" "5" [2,] "c1" "1" "recycling" "2" [3,] "c2" "1" "coffee" "10" [4,] "c2" "1" "combusted" "15" [5,] "c2" "2" "printer" "14" [6,] "c2" "2" "tea" "

java - Concurrency processing in spring integration -

i reading this article running spring integration cafe sample code. below program flow. i curious if first batch of order comes in 100 drinks, , @ time 50th drink processing in drink router, second batch of order comes in 200 drinks, application know block second batch of order before process first batch of order? i haven't used spring integration in few years, think whether application blocks order#2 until order#1 complete based on type of channels use. think default block because example doesn't specify channel type (thus using directchannel). use of different type of channel allow drinkorder s processed in non-blocking way. from in addition being simplest point-to-point channel option, 1 of important features enables single thread perform operations on "both sides" of channel. example, if handler subscribed directchannel, sending message channel trigge

sql - Percentage is equal to zero -

please me, got stuck in error "ora-01476: divisor equal zero" , thing, when value of column 1 (g.ticket) or column 2 (h.employee) 0 1 in ration instead 0. how solve that? thank you. appreciate help. query: select 'data' ||','||to_char(d.dtime_day, 'mm/dd/yyyy') ||','||nvl(g.ticket, 0 ) ||','||round((nvl(g.ticket,2) / nvl(h.employee,2)),2) ||','||nvl(h.employee,0) ||','||round((nvl(h.employee,2) / nvl(g.ticket,2)),2) owner_dwh.dc_date d left join ( select trunc(t.create_time,'iw') ddate ,count(case when upper(ticket_customer_user_id) = upper('hcphuser') 1 else null end) ticket app_account.otrs_ticket t t.create_time between to_date('02/20/2013','mm/dd/yyyy') , sysdate -1 , queue_id in (4,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,20,27,28,30,31,32,35,36,37,38,39,40,44,45,46,47,50,52,53,55,56) group trunc(t.create_

c# - Deployment practices for .NET -

i have new application deploy managed server have signed for. know best way deploy it. in experience have seen many of applications push dlls server. how achieved?. i have tortoise svn subversioning system. have repository on server , commit changes , update release folder in managed server has .aspx, solution , other files belive not needed. how can set push dlls , when updating dlls updated?. i not clear on , explanation , best practices given scenario. i have faced similar questions before , follow below steps every time move compiled files incremental fixes in application. maintain 2 separate copies of solution files - local application , production application //this important because once go production environment. 1 copy local working , other copy deploying in live server. copy should date live server copy. make changes files , compile , test application in local application folder/solution. commit files edited. svn take care of this. show possible

eclipse - Could not find class '$Builder' -

i'm following google instructions on building map in android , far i've been sucessful. however, when i've tried add heatmap few lat lng's app fails , following error message could not find class '$builder', referenced method com.example.heatmap.mainactivity.addheatmap i've searched everywhere , can't find solution this. utils lib added correctly google play services, per online instructions. can tell me i'm doing wrong here. for clarity, map works fine, when call heatmap method app fails. package com.example.heatmap; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list; import org.json.jsonobject; import android.os.bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import com.g

preferenceactivity - Manipulate preference data in Android -

i have preference http timeout set in milliseconds on backend. when user edits it, want them able specify number in minutes. i have looked @ ( sharedpreferences.onsharedpreferencechangelistener not being called consistently ) , looks possible add listener see when preference value changes. convert minutes milliseconds. but how can i, when preference activity loads, convert milliseconds in minutes when user goes edit see minutes value? hi need convert milliseconds minutes , second combination purpose can use following code snippet long minutes = timeunit.milliseconds.tominutes(millis); long seconds = timeunit.milliseconds.toseconds(millis); or if wants go generic way than seconds = (millis/ 1000) % 60; minutes = (millis/ (1000 * 60)) % 60; hours = (millis/ (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24; note millis means milliseconds and in reverce way can convert minutes millis long t = (min * 60l) + sec; long result = timeunit.seconds.tomillis(t); beside if wants detect if c

javascript - Row Validation with Jquery Validation plugin -

i have series of forms correspond likert questions: <form class="indicator-form" request="post"> <fieldset> <label class="top-label"> enter number of <strong>category 1</strong> staff answered each level of importance on 5-point likert-field scale question:<br/> <em>question 1?</em> </label> <table> <tr class="likert"> <td> <label for="cat1_a">very unimportant</label> <input id="cat1_a" name="cat1_a" class="likert-field" type="text" /> </td> <td> <label for="cat1_b">unimportant</label> <input id="cat1_b" name="cat1_b" class="likert-field" type="

python - How to make a Django-Rest-Framework API that takes POST data? -

i'm building django application django-rest-framework apis. have built api endpoint follows. want able post data browser. want retrieve object model database has matching primary given in url. , want operate on retrieved object based on data posted browser. if grab posted data viewset, done. don't know how execute viewset's update() function when post. from file: router.register(r'replycomment', views.replycomment, base_name="replycomment") from file: class replycomment(viewsets.viewset): def update(self,request,pk=none): try: origcomment = comment.objects.get(pk=pk) # here modifies state of origcomment , saves it. return response( json.dumps(true), status=status.http_200_ok, ) except exception exception: logger.error(exception) return response(status=status.http_400_bad_request) i'm using advanced

java - Running a "this" Method inside actionPerformed - JButton? -

i have jbutton added actionperformed, , tried write "this" method , won't allow it. how can this? example of want do: public void methodname(string results) { this.results = results; } button.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent event) { this.methodname(asdf); } because it's anonymous class, using this refer anonymous class instance, not overall class. around this, denote want reference outer class specifically: something = new something() { public void overridden() { yourclass.this.methodname("test"); } };

machine learning - WEKA 3.7.10 not compatible format, class index differ -

i use weka text classification, have train set , untagged test set, goal classify test set. in weka 3.6.6 goes well, can select supplied test set , train model , result. on same files, weka 3.7.10 says train , test set not compatible. automatically wrap classifier in "inputmappedclassifier" before porceeding? and when press no outputs following error message problem evaluating classfier: train , test not compatible class index differ : 2!= 0 i understand key class index differ: 2!= 0. however mean? why works in weka 3.6.6 , not compatible in weka 3.7.10? how can make test set compatible train set? when import supplied test set, selecting same class attribute 1 use in train set? if don't change field, weka selects last attribute being class automatically.

drawing - Draw regression line per row in R -

i have following data. heirank1 x2007 x2008 x2009 x2010 x2011 x2012 1 op 41.8 147.6 90.3 82.9 106.8 63.0 2 mo 20.0 20.8 21.1 20.9 12.6 20.6 3 sd 21.2 32.3 25.7 23.9 25.0 40.1 4 un 51.8 39.8 19.9 20.9 21.6 22.5 5 ws 18.0 19.9 15.3 13.6 15.7 15.2 6 bf 11.5 36.9 20.0 23.2 18.2 23.8 7 me 34.2 30.3 28.4 30.1 31.5 25.6 8 im 7.7 18.1 20.5 14.6 17.2 17.1 9 om 11.4 11.2 12.2 11.1 13.4 19.2 10 dc 14.3 28.7 20.1 17.0 22.3 16.2 11 oc 28.6 44.0 24.9 27.9 34.0 30.7 12 th 7.4 10.0 5.8 8.8 8.7 8.6 13 cc 12.1 11.0 12.2 12.1 14.9 15.0 14 mm 11.7 24.2 18.4 18.6 31.9 31.7 15 mc 19.0 13.7 17.0 20.4 20.5 12.1 16 sh 11.4 24.8 26.1 12.7 19.9 25.9 17 sb 13.0 22.8 15.9 17.6 17.2 9.6 18 sn 11.5 18.6 22.9 12.0 20.3 11.6 19 er 10.8 13.2 20.0 11.0 14.9 14.2

javascript - refresh a page after ajax form submit -

i using ajax submit form in popup , want refresh table after popup closed. have tried below code. $('body').delegate('#add','click',function(){ var objpnt = $(this).parents('form'); name=objpnt.find("#name").val(); error=''; if(name === '') { error="<div class='alert alert-info'><span class='icon icon-color icon-alert'/>name field required</div>"; } $.post("ajax/add.php", $("form.addform").serialize(),function(html){ if(html === 'incorrect'){ objpnt.find("#add_err").css('display', 'inline', 'important'); objpnt.find("#add_err").html(error); } else { objpnt.find("#add_err").css('display

c# - Can i Use Telerik UI and Kendo UI in Same Project? -

i want use kendo ui in nopcommerce, nopcommerce use telerik ui ,so can use both in same project? is there conflict issue or other issue created? regards, kendo ui complete re-write of telerik extensions in nop commerce. of dlls, js , css themes separate. being said, should able work together, issue you'll have jquery versions. don't remember exact versions are, telerik has max supported version , kendo ui (latest) has min of think 1.10.x?

android upload image to amazon storage with image path -

i want upload image using it's file path. of tutorial have followed regarding upload image amazon, there select image option(image chooser galary). need that: but want skip step. know image path , name. suppose have image in directory in device. when user click upload photo button, start uploading. want skip select image option. how can upload image amazon storage image path instead of selecting image ( intent image/* )? so in short wanting use file path directly instead of select image option upload image in amazon. any appreciated. in advance. edited: here activity: public class submitactivity extends activity { button submit; imageview thumbnailimage; private amazons3client s3client = new amazons3client( new basicawscredentials(constants.access_key_id, constants.secret_key)); @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); // getactionbar().setdisplayshowtitleenabled(false);

linux - Is there a list of errors will show up as `segfaults` when they are not really related to memory access? -

in this question , learned attempting run privileged instructions when not in ring 0 can cause looks segfault in user process, , have 2 follow-up questions. is true of privileged instructions? what other sorts of errors can cause fake segfault not related trying read memory? read through instruction set reference , see #gp listed non-memory issue. incomplete list: cli , clts , hlt , in , int (with invalid vector), invd , invlpg , iret (under circumstances), ldmxcsr (setting reserved bits), lgdt , lidt , lldt , lmsw , ltr , monitor (with ecx != 0 ), mov (to crx or drx ), mwait (with invalid ecx ), out , rdmsr , rdpmc , swapgs , sysexit , sysret , wbinvd , wrmsr , xgetbv (invalid ecx ), xrstor , xsetbv

multithreading - Parallel implemention of Lisp-style mapping of a function to a list in C++ fails without cout after use of thread -

this code works when of lines under /* debug messages */ uncommented. or if list being mapped less 30 elements. func_map linear implementation of lisp-style mapping , can assumed work. use of follows func_map(func_ptr foo, std::vector* list, locs* start_and_end) func_ptr pointer function returns void , takes in int pointer for example: &foo in foo defined as: void foo (int* num){ (*num) = (*num) * (*num);} locs struct 2 members int_start , int_end ; use tell func_map elements should iterate over. void par_map(func_ptr func_transform, std::vector<int>* vector_array) //function mapping function list alla lisp { int array_size = (*vector_array).size(); //retain number of elements in our vector int num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); //figure out number of cores int array_sub = array_size/num_threads; //number use figure out how many elements should assigned per thread std::vector<std::thread> threads; //the ve

android - {SOLVED} JSOUP Parsing between closed tags -

i'm using jsoup parse html, text looking not enclosed inside tag. example: <strong>album:</strong> picasso biggie <em>|</em> so text trying parse album "picasso biggie" how can in jsoup? i haven't found solution after going through cookbooks. if it's not possible in jsoup there html parser can this? update: followed instruction link

Error loading resource library. (0x8007007E) when printing -

i added kb954607 gdi security hotfix our development cluster other day , we're having printing problems (again...sigh). error loading resource library. (0x8007007e) i've tried deregistering rsclientprint.dll , printing have install again, didn't work me. finally fixed! i did suggested on forum, , still persistent problem on of machines. ultimate fix delete of rsclientprint*.* files (13 rll files, 1 inf , 1 dll) windows\system32 folder. don't think they're supposed there, , don't know how got there, because weren't on of machines no printing problems. in event, fixed problem on 23 computers printing issues.

css - Make an element overlap contents below it using Bootstrap -

i've started playing twitter bootstrap , i'm trying make image in row overlap contents below it. how can accomplish that? tried giving contents below negative margin doesn't seem work in chrome dev tools. here's link have, summarize: <div class="container" role="main"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-1"> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <a href="#" class="thumbnail"> <img src="" alt="..."> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> </div> </div> <div class="jumbotron"> </div> </div> as can see <img> pushes entire jumbotron down. i'd overlap instead until screen size collapses (responsively) , image should no longer overlap in case. update i ended combining @joshc , @adrian

unit testing - TDD should I create an empty class needed for a test case? -

i'm new tdd , keen start using it, keep hitting bump whenever test case i'm working on requires class doesn't yet exist (either input or output). the problem don't know whether create class without functionality (is considered untested code or not ?), or stop working on test (while it's green), , start writing test new non-existing class. the second approach seems recursive, , might cause me lose train of thought, while first creates new class there's no test. is there third approach didn't think of, preferable ? you can go both ways. sometimes, creating new auxiliary class , leave empty shell time being approach. however, main benefit of tdd feedback code, if happens lot, should stop , consider tells design of api. still, there's nothing inherently wrong this, because depends on overall approach. if you're doing outside-in tdd tend happen lot, because start @ abstract level , work way down (and lover-level classes don't

java - Whether to use generics or not? -

i have following hierarchy of classes public abstract class myabstractclass { } public abstract class abstractclassa extends myabstractclass { } public class abstractclassb extends myabstractclass { } public class classa extends abstractclassa { } public class classb extends abstractclassa { } i have converter should accept instance of class extending abstractclassa , should return instance of class extending abstractclassb . have 2 versions of conversion class 1 using generic , other 1 not. both works fins. correct way of specifying signature of converter? public class convertertwo { public abstractclassb convert(abstractclassa a) { } } public class converterone { public <a extends abstractclassa, b extends abstractclassb> b convert(a a) { } } generics checked @ compile time , replaced proper types during compilation. convertertwo code converted converterone kind of code during compilation , both equivalent. generics useful when write api

java - Pass String with Xpand method call as parameter -

in xpand template, have call where, call should done method takes string , object. i.e. , «setdata("string",object)-» for above method, string value want pass simplified value of below string: , «getaddress(object)» , return dynamic value. "/begin data xetk default_rasters «getaddress(object)» /end data" if try in below way, compilation error. «setdata("/begin data xetk default_rasters «getaddress(object)» /end data",object)-» can me, how can pass string method? thanks , regards, shwetha ok , got answer above question. in xpand , expressions not allowed pass parameter. done in xtend 2

jquery - Search in populated data in data table even if server side processing is true -

i using below code populate data data table. <html> <code> <script> var table; var gaiselected = []; $(document).ready(function() { $(".datepicker").datepicker({ dateformat : 'dd/mm/yy' }); $("#uploadidlisttable").datatable({ "bjqueryui": true }); $('#submitdatebutton').click(function() { var fromdate=$('#fromdateid').val(); var todate=$('#todateid').val(); console.log("todate"+todate); console.log("fromdate"+fromdate); table = $("#uploadidlisttable").datatable({ "bdestroy": true, "bprocessing": true,

java - Enum to String Conversion -

i have class testcase. inside of have inner class test. inside class enum ownertype setters , getters of enum. public static final class test { public enum ownertype { user("user"), role("role"); private final string value; private ownertype(string value) { this.value = value; } public string tovalue() { return value; } } private ownertype m_ownertype; public ownertype getownertype() { return m_ownertype; } public void setownertype(ownertype m_ownertype) { this.m_ownertype = m_ownertype; } private jsonobject getjsonobject() { jsonobject obj = new jsonobject(); obj.put(key, new jsonstring(m_ownertype.tostring())); // showing error enum string conversion return obj; } } m_ownertype ownertype enum in obj.put() doing wrong related conversion enum string. thanks. java enums come built-in function na

Filter records using Linq on an Enum type -

i'm hoping simple solution. have field (presstype) in table (stocks) seed populated using enum. table stores data integer. when want query data via linq gives me issues. can filter other fields in table using format on enum populated field says the "==" operator cannot applied operands of type "models.presstype" , "string". any give appreciated, thanks. var test = db.stocks.where(x => x.presstype == myvalue); there nothing wrong linq. problem myvalue of type string . need convert string enum first. string myvalue = somecontrol.text; models.presstype myvalueasenum = (models.presstype) enum.parse(typeof(models.presstype), myvalue); iqueryable<stock> test = db.stocks.where(x => x.presstype == myvalueasenum);

mysql - Querying aMember -

i'm trying pull query amember. have few tables: am_user - contains user data - pk = user_id am_invoice - contains 1 line per invoice - pk invoice_id, fk user_id am_invoice_item - contains 1 line per product - fk invoice_id we sell 2 different products using 4 different product_ids (it's software, , products translated in 2 different versions). users can buy episode 1, episode 2, or both. (we're not interested in did not make purchase yet). my query looks following: select u.user_id, login, u.added , case ii.item_id when 3 i.tm_added when 5 i.tm_added else null end episode1bought , case ii2.item_id when 7 i2.tm_added when 6 i2.tm_added else null end episode2bought am_user u left join am_invoice on u.user_id = i.user_id left join am_invoice_item ii on i.invoice_id = ii.invoice_id , ii.item_id in (3, 5) left join am_invoice i2 on u.user_id = i2.user_id left join

html - css not found (404) - it's adding another css to my path -

i have normal html page on iis8 development machine. basic , doesn't contain code yet. to head i've added css file deceleration i've created: <link href="css/catalog.css" rel="stylesheet" /> when inspecting either chrome or fiddler reports 404 - not because file isn't there - because it's adding css folder: get http://localhost/mywebsite/message/css/css/catalog.css 404 (not found) which should be: http://localhost/mywebsite/message/css/catalog.css strange thing if change name of folder css works. any ideas why happening? thanks just use , you'll go: <link href="catalog.css" rel="stylesheet" /> edit: <link href="/catalog.css" rel="stylesheet" />

android - How to save the togglebutton state on backpressed -

i want save state of togglebutton service can run checking state of togglebutton while activity not active. coding of activity class. in whatever user save togglebtn service must run per that. public class mainactivity extends activity implements onclicklistener { togglebutton tgl; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); tgl=(togglebutton)findviewbyid(; tgl.setonclicklistener(this); } @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) { // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present. getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } @override public void onclick(view arg0) { // todo auto-generated method stub if(tgl.ischecked()){ intent i=new intent(mainactivity.this,run.class); startservice(i); }else{

ruby on rails - Nested Forms for Embedded Documents -

i have following models cities(id, name, geo {lng,lat}) geo(lng,lat) cities model class city include mongoid::document include mongoid::timestamps field :name, type: string field :timezone, type: string field :slug, type: string belongs_to :region belongs_to :country embeds_one :geo_location accepts_nested_attributes_for :geo_location end geo locations model class geolocation include mongoid::document include mongoid::timestamps field :lng, type: string field :lat, type: string embedded_in :city end cities controller class citiescontroller < applicationcontroller before_action :set_city, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] # /cities def index @cities = city.all end # /cities/1 def show end # /cities/new def new @city = @regions = region.all.asc(:name) @countries = country.all.asc(:name) end # /cities/1/edit def edit @regions = region.all.asc(:name) @countries

javascript - AngularJS ng-table with pagination: no rows displayed -

i'm trying use ng-table ( ) in web app based onto typescript , angularjs. have display in paged table 50-500 items @ most, loaded @ once server; i'll need client-side paging of controller's data. yet, no row displayed when data loaded, unless totally disable paging. i made plunkr reproduces issue: as i'm using typescript (but there no definition lib right now), i've shaped example code typical outcome of ts compiler, apart that, followed paging example in ng-table website. click button fill controller's data. update : examining ng-table source managed force refresh calling , tableparams.reload() after have filled data array; yet, there no trace of code in samples i'm feeling bit wrong this. i used (i.e. update total , reload table). reasoned had created instance of table , needed update instance new information. hth

mysql - Restore snapshot with custom Parameter group -

i want restore mysql rds snapshot custom parameter group. 1 know, how can this? fist have restore snapshot new instance, edit/change security group , parameter group , restart instance. long , time taking process. on "restore db instance" page, there no option "security group", "parameter group" , "password". 1 more options should there restoring snapshot on existing instance or specific database or specific table restore? no, there no way restore snapshot custom security groups , custom parameter group. when restore snapshot, default security group , parameter groups applied. modify cluster apply customer security group , parameter group. from restoring db snapshot : when restore db instance, default db parameter , security groups applied. if need associate custom db parameter or security group db instance, must apply them explicitly using rds console's modify command, modifydbinstance api , or rds-modify-db-instance c

android - Content view not yet created -

i trying retrieve data mysql , sort based on category tab. application crash when open activity content view not yet created. may know problem? 03-10 04:12:49.043: e/androidruntime(2251): fatal exception: main 03-10 04:12:49.043: e/androidruntime(2251): java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start activity componentinfo{my.fyp.inticlassifieds/my.fyp.inticlassifieds.displaypostitem}: java.lang.illegalstateexception: content view not yet created 03-10 04:12:49.043: e/androidruntime(2251): @ 03-10 04:12:49.043: e/androidruntime(2251): @ 03-10 04:12:49.043: e/androidruntime(2251): @$600( 03-10 04:12:49.043: e/androidruntime(2251): @$h.handlemessage( 03-10 04:12:49.043: e/androidruntime(2251): @ android.os.handler.

Install Ruby gems behind NTLM proxy -

i trying install ruby gems behind ntlm proxy. os windows 7. these solutions tried, non of them working. using http_proxy: set http_proxy=http://domain\ set http_proxy=http://domain\\ set http_proxy=http://domain\\ all above response bad uri set http_proxy= response: bad response proxy authentication required 407 using -p or --http-proxy parameter ruby gem install -p "http://domain\" rake gem install -p "http://domain\\" rake gem install -p http://domain\ rake gem install -p http://domain\\ rake gem install --http-proxy "http://domain\" rake gem install --http-proxy "http://domain\\" rake gem install -

I'd like to make 'Excel Connection Manager' in SSIS read every time diffrent file names in every time"Dynamic file name" -

heading ##i faced little issue in ssis in excel connection manager issue : moved , renamed excel sheet file in name"cmp_20140309134003.xlsx" in day after , after come in diffrent name in every time "cmp_201403010134003.xlsx" faced error in "ecel connection manager" because connection manager has specific file name tried creat variable : 1-file_path c:\cmp_20140309134003.xlsx 2-file_ext *.xlsx 3-folder_path c:\ , declare these variables in each loop container , excel connection properties faced error way talk source.xlsx name , put variable declare connection expression. please how can make excel connection manager read diffrent file name in every time suggestions??! :) in each loop container select 'variable mappings' map name of path , file name user variable right click in connection manager , select 'properties' click on 'expressions' , ellipsis select 'excelfilepath' propert

javascript - How to forbid gridster to move widget element down -

all board filled widgets, without margin. , when try move element 1 column(1) another(2) elements @ column 2 go down out of board like: i'd forbid placing widget place if there no place widgets in column. my code: gridster = $(".gridster > ul").gridster({ widget_margins: [mysizedetector.blockmargin, mysizedetector.blockmargin], widget_base_dimensions: [mysizedetector.dx, mysizedetector.dy], /*[width, height]*/ min_cols: mysizedetector.xcount, min_rows: mysizedetector.ycount, }).data('gridster'); thanks in advance! i think can restrict go in x-axis beyond container, not in y-axis . because have min_cols , max_cols restrict in x-axis . have min_rows but not max_rows . you can refer documentation: