ios - Change Animation Speed Series of Images -

i have series of images, want them repeat. however, want first half play in, example 2 seconds, second half play in 5 seconds.

it quite easy play series of images, using following

   - (void) completecycles:(int) cycles inhalepercentage:(int) inhalepercent exhalepercentage:(int) exhalepercent totalcycletime:(int) time    {     nsmutablearray *textures = [nsmutablearray array];      (int = 0; < knumberbreathingimages; i++) {         nsstring *texturename = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"breath%d.png", i];          (int = 0; < inhalepercent; i++) {             [textures addobject:[uiimage imagenamed:texturename]];         }     }      (int = knumberbreathingimages - 1; > 0; i--) {         nsstring *texturename = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"breath%d.png", i];         (int = 0; < exhalepercent; i++) {             [textures addobject:[uiimage imagenamed:texturename]];         }     }      self.animationimageview.animationimages = textures;     self.animationimageview.animationduration = time;     self.animationimageview.animationrepeatcount = cycles;     [self.animationimageview startanimating];     } 

however, want first half of animation take x time , second half take y time.

i don't think above allow me this, wondering better approach be.

pretty sure need use

uiview animatewithduration:animations: completion: 

thanks assistance.

this code creates effect,

the animation system on uiimageview limited. suggest make own implementation 2 image view.

you change image in 1 imageview , fade in , out using uiview animatewithduration

i have written method you. please note: have not tested it.

it assumes have frames in array called 'frames' , have 2 uiimageview placed on top of each other called 'imgv1' , 'imgv2'

-(void)performanimationofframeatindex:(nsnumber*)indexnum {         int index = [indexnum intvalue]; if(index >= frames.count) {     return; } uiimage *img = [frames objectatindex:index];  uiimageview *imgin; uiimageview *imgout; if(index % 2 == 0) {     imgin = imgv1;     imgout = imgv2; } else  {     imgin = imgv2;     imgout = imgv1; } imgin.image = img; [self.view sendsubviewtoback:imgin];  [uiview animatewithduration:0.1 animations:^ {     imgin.alpha = 1;     imgout.alpha = 0; } completion:^(bool finished) {     [self performselectoronmainthread:@selector(performanimationofframeatindex:) withobject:[nsnumber numberwithint:index+1] waituntildone:no]; }];  } 

thanks idea,

i changed code above desired effect wanted, works perfect. alpha causing "strobe" effect when duration 0 seconds.

here final code

enjoy 100 :-)

- (void) performanimationofframeatindex:(nsnumber*)indexnum {     int index = indexnum.intvalue;     if (index >= self.frames.count) return;      uiimage *img = self.frames[index];      uiimageview *imgin;     uiimageview *imgout;      float speed = (index <= self.frames.count / 2) ? 0.1 : 1; // first half : second half speed.      if (index % 2 == 0) {         imgin = self.animationimageviewone;         imgout = self.animationimageviewtwo;     }     else {         imgin = self.animationimageviewtwo;         imgout = self.animationimageviewone;     }      imgin.image = img;      [self.view sendsubviewtoback:imgin];     [self performselector:@selector(performanimationofframeatindex:) withobject:[nsnumber numberwithint:index+1]  afterdelay:speed]; } 


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