java - Getting Dump from weblogic server programatically -
i have requirement need design small app contains button. when user clicks on that, connect corresponding weblogic server , mds dump zip file located in particular location downloaded user. need implement programmatically using java language , preferably using mbeans.
i new mbeans concept. can 1 me out on how figure out correct mbean access dump files , download them?
i have done this: here code:
public class heapgenerator { private heapgenerator() { } private static final string hotspot_bean_name = ""; private static long lastheapdumpgenrationtime ; // field store hotspot diagnostic mbean private static volatile hotspotdiagnosticmxbean hotspotmbean; public static void generateheapdump(string filename, boolean live) { // initialize hotspot diagnostic mbean inithotspotmbean(); try { file dumpfile = new file(filename); if (dumpfile.exists()) { dumpfile.delete(); } hotspotmbean.dumpheap(filename, live); } catch (runtimeexception re) { throw re; } catch (exception exp) { throw new runtimeexception(exp); } } // initialize hotspot diagnostic mbean field private static void inithotspotmbean() { if (hotspotmbean == null) { synchronized (heapdumpgenerator.class) { if (hotspotmbean == null) { hotspotmbean = gethotspotmbean(); } } } } // hotspot diagnostic mbean // platform mbean server private static hotspotdiagnosticmxbean gethotspotmbean() { try { mbeanserver server = managementfactory.getplatformmbeanserver(); hotspotdiagnosticmxbean bean = managementfactory.newplatformmxbeanproxy(server, hotspot_bean_name, hotspotdiagnosticmxbean.class); return bean; } catch (runtimeexception re) { throw re; } catch (exception exp) { throw new runtimeexception(exp); } } public static string generateheapdump() { string filename = getfullheapdumpfilename(); generateheapdump(filename, true); return filename; } }
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