ios - Unbounded memory growth with a repeatForever SKAction -

i building spritekit ios game, single view (having admob subview, unrelated issue) , single scene has game play menu buttons managed within same single scene.

i noticing unbounded memory growth when game showing menu (for first time) - thing moving there pulsating skaction pulse play button.

the relevant code shown below:

// gamescene.m @interface gamescene () @property(nonatomic, strong)skaction *pulseaction; @end  @implementation gamescene -(id)initwithsize:(cgsize)size {      skaction *shrinkaction = [skaction scaleby:0.8 duration:0.4];      skaction *growaction = [skaction scaleby:1.25 duration:0.4];     _pulseaction = [skaction sequence:[nsarray arraywithobjects:shrinkaction, growaction, nil]]; }  -(void)showgameovermenu {   [playbuttoncircleshapenode runaction:[skaction repeatactionforever:_pulseaction]]; } @end 

i cannot see other part of code having implication, except preload textures (i have tried using local variables ivars textures suggested in other threads, doesn't seem impact either way). thoughts?

thanks anand


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