C++ WinAPI window size less than 17 -

i have university assignment programming class set c++/win32api script use tiny windows show analog clock.

all fine , dandy cannot figure out how resize window less ~17 px.

i tried handle

case wm_getminmaxinfo: {     minmaxinfo* mmi = (minmaxinfo*)lparam;     mmi->ptmintracksize.x = 1; // doesn't below 18-20     mmi->ptmintracksize.y = 1; // same above     return 0; } 

yet window doesn't want resize below around 17 pixels in width or height.

i use following code create windows

   hwnd = createwindowex(         ws_ex_toolwindow,         szwindowclass,         _t( "tool" ),         ws_ex_toolwindow,         300 + ( 20 * ), // x         150, // y         1, // width         1, // height         null,          null,          hinstance,          null     );    setwindowlong(hwnd, gwl_style, 0); // remove borders 

the orange boxes 18 little windows tried create: the orange boxes 18 little windows tried create


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