AngularJS unit test for directive that queries server returns "Unsatisfied requests" -

i have bookmarking app takes in url , automatically extracts summary. when client requests server add new bookmark, server sends initial information , initiates process extract summary.

in angular frontend, have created directives adding bookmark , managing each item in bookmarks list. within listitem directive there checksummary() method poll server summary.

i having problems unit test latter directive. fails "unsatisfied request" when log console @ various points $http.get() request seems fire , can see $scope variables updated don't understand why fail cause. i've checked answers many different question can't find give insight.

the code following:


angular.module( 'userpages.bookmarks', [   'ui.router',   'ui.bootstrap',   'ui.validate' ])  .config(function config( $stateprovider ) {   $stateprovider.state( 'userpages.bookmarks', {     url: '/bookmarks',     templateurl: 'userpages/bookmarks/bookmarks.tpl.html',     controller: 'bookmarkscontroller',     data: { pagetitle: 'bookmarks' },   }); })  .factory('bookmarksapiresource', ['$http', function ($http) {   var bookmarksurl = '/api/v1/bookmarks/';   var api = {     getlist: function() {       return $http.get( bookmarksurl )               .then( function(response) { return; });     },     getbyid: function(id) {       return $http.get( bookmarksurl + id + '/' )               .then( function(response) { return; });     },     addbookmark: function(articleurl) {       return $ bookmarksurl, {article_url: articleurl})               .then( function(response) { return; });     },     checksummary: function(id) {       return $http.get( bookmarksurl + id + '/?fields=summary' )               .then( function(response) { return; });     }   };   return api; }])  .controller( 'bookmarkscontroller', ['$scope', '$stateparams', 'bookmarksapiresource',    function bookmarkscontroller( $scope, $stateparams, bookmarksapiresource) {      $scope.username = $stateparams.username;      $scope.templates = {       bookmarks: {         toolbar: 'userpages/bookmarks/bookmarks-toolbar.tpl.html',         listitem: 'userpages/bookmarks/bookmarks-listitem.tpl.html',       }     };     $scope.addbookmarkformcollapsed = true;      $scope.bookmarks = [];     bookmarksapiresource.getlist().then( function(data) {       $scope.bookmarks = data;     }); }])  .directive('newbookmark', ['bookmarksapiresource', function(bookmarksapiresource) {   var newbookmark = {     restrict: 'e',     templateurl: 'userpages/bookmarks/bookmarks-add-form.tpl.html',     replace: true,     link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {       $scope.addbookmark = function(articleurl) {         var newbookmark = bookmarksapiresource.addbookmark(articleurl);         $scope.bookmarks.push(newbookmark);       };     }   };   return newbookmark; }])  .directive('bookmarkslistitem', ['bookmarksapiresource', '$timeout',                                  function(bookmarksapiresource, $timeout) {   var listitem = {     restrict: 'e',     templateurl: 'userpages/bookmarks/bookmarks-listitem.tpl.html',     replace: true,     scope: true,     link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {        var checksummary = function() {         if (!$scope.bookmark.summary_extraction_done) {           bookmarksapiresource.checksummary(${             if (data.summary_extraction_done) {               $scope.bookmark.summary_extraction_done = data.summary_extraction_done;               $scope.bookmark.summary = data.summary;             } else {               $timeout(checksummary, 1000);             }           });       }        checksummary();     }   };   return listitem; }]) ; 

and test follows:


describe( 'userpages.bookmarks', function() {    var $rootscope, $location, $compile, $controller, $httpbackend;   var $scope, elem;    beforeeach( module( 'userpages.bookmarks', 'ui.router' ) );    ... other tests ...    describe('bookmarks-listitem', function() {     var testbookmark;       beforeeach(module('userpages/bookmarks/bookmarks-listitem.tpl.html'));     beforeeach(inject(function(_$rootscope_, _$compile_, _$httpbackend_){       $rootscope = _$rootscope_;       $compile = _$compile_;       $httpbackend = _$httpbackend_;        testbookmark = {         id: 1,         title: 'title of our first article',         url: '',         summary_extraction_done: false,         summary: '',       };      }));      it('when summary_extraction_done = false, checksummary() should call server , update summary response', function () {       $httpbackend.when('get', '/api/v1/bookmarks/1/?fields=summary').respond(200, {         summary_extraction_done: true,         summary: 'this summary article 1.'       });       $httpbackend.expect('get', '/api/v1/bookmarks/1/?field=summary');        $scope = $rootscope.$new();       $scope.bookmark = testbookmark;       elem = $compile('<bookmarks-listitem></bookmarks-listitem>')($scope);       $scope.$digest();       $httpbackend.flush();        expect($scope.bookmark.summary_extraction_done).tobe(true);       expect($scope.bookmark.summary).tobe('this summary article 1.');     });    }); }); 

and test results are:

firefox 27.0.0 (mac os x 10.9) userpages.bookmarks bookmarks-listitem when summary_extraction_done = false, checksummary() should call server , update summary respone failed     error: unsatisfied requests: /api/v1/bookmarks/1/?field=summary in .../frontend/vendor/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js (line 1486)     createhttpbackendmock/$httpbackend.verifynooutstandingexpectation@.../frontend/vendor/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1486     createhttpbackendmock/$httpbackend.flush@.../frontend/vendor/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1464     @.../frontend/src/app/userpages/bookmarks/bookmarks.spec.js:6 

any suggestions helpful.

typo here:

$httpbackend.expect('get', '/api/v1/bookmarks/1/?field=summary'); 

you missing s on end of field.


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