css - Font-Awesome with Sliding JQuery Code Error -

i creating jquery sliding navigation using font awesome (see: http://fortawesome.github.io/font-awesome/)

now upon adding css since third party web fonts icons wonder how can apply own code using + , - icon.

+ -> <i class="fa fa-plus"></i> fa-plus  - -> <i class="fa fa-minus"></i> fa-minus 

my jquery code is.

$("#toggle > li > div").click(function(){     if(false == $(this).next().is(':visible')) {         $('#toggle ul').slideup();           $("span.minus-btn").removeclass('minus-btn');     }     $(this).next().slidetoggle(); });   $("#toggle > li > div").click(function() {           $("#toggle > li > div").removeclass("active");          $(this).addclass('active');  if($(this).hasclass("active")){        $("span.plus-btn", this).toggleclass('minus-btn');          } }); 

now stock don't know how fix sizes of icons. please help.

here's jquery fiddle link: http://jsfiddle.net/sg7lz/6/

any great + explanation please?

please show me solution on jsfiddle can check on code , results.

a big thanks!

sorry, found difficult around code, made new fiddle. fiddle

to change icon, have i.fa element , remove .fa-plus class , add .fa-minus class.

also, set size of icon adding 1 of these classes: .fa-2x, .fa-3x, .fa-4x, .fa-5x.
