javascript - Disable application layout for custom Facebook share button in Rails -

i've implemented custom buttons twitter , facebook sharing in rails app, , have had use javascript below open popups when clicked:

$('.popup, #fbshare').click(function (event) { event.preventdefault();$(this).attr("href"), "popupwindow", "width=600,height=400,scrollbars=yes"); return false; }); 

the twitter button works fine facebook share button keeps attempting yield default application layout , giving error message of:

activerecord::recordnotfound in userscontroller#show

couldn't find user id=undefined"

the javascript file named search.js.erb, , i'm trying share link home page, assume need add applicationcontroller, error message makes seem error userscontroller (which route root, i'm not on user page when attempting share).

i've had around , found 2 solutions proffered: 1 add

 layout proc{|c| c.request.xhr? ? false : "application" } 

to applicationcontroller: doesn't seem work. add

 def respond respond_to |format|   format.html   format.js { render :layout => false } end end 

to controller; i've tried adding both application , userscontroller, no luck. i've managed use "render :layout => false" before success unsure how implement in case.

added "popup" class facebook link , removed #fbshare jquery, works, think id confusing rails app thinking user id?


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