I want to fill city dropdown automatically from database according to state dropdown in ASP.NET MVC and Ajax -

i want city list database , store selected city's id database. have used ajax call function of member class. not working, please me sort out.

here model:

    [required]     [display(name = "state")]     public int stateid { get; set; }     public string statename { get; set; }     public list<selectlistitem> statelist = new list<selectlistitem>();     [required]     [display(name = "city")]     public int cityid { get; set; }     public string cityname { get; set; }     public list<selectlistitem> citylist = new list<selectlistitem>();      clubdatacontext cd = new clubdatacontext();     public void insertmember(m_reg m)     {         m_registarion m1 = new m_registarion();         m1.m_statteid = m.stateid;         m1.m_cityid = 1; //temporary storing 1         cd.m_registarions.insertonsubmit(m1);         cd.submitchanges();     } 

here controller:

    [httpget]     public actionresult registration()     {         var model = new m_reg();         using (var db = new clubdatacontext())         {          model.statelist = content2.select(c2 => new selectlistitem             {                 text = c2.s_name,                 value = c2.s_id.tostring()             }).tolist();         }         return view(model);      }      [httpget]       public selectlist getcity(int stateid, int selectcityid)       {         var db = new clubdatacontext();         var model = new m_reg();         var content = p in db.cityinfos p.s_id == stateid                       select new { p.c_id, p.c_name };         model.citylist = content.select(c => new selectlistitem         {             text = c.c_name,             value = c.c_id.tostring()         }).tolist();         return new selectlist(model.citylist, "value", "text", selectcityid);      } 

view: razor code:

         <div class="editor-label">         @html.labelfor(m=> m.stateid)         </div>          <div class="editor-field">             @html.dropdownlistfor(m => m.stateid,model.statelist)             @html.validationmessagefor(m => m.stateid)         </div>         <div class="editor-label">         @html.labelfor(m=> m.cityid)         </div>          <div class="editor-field">             @html.dropdownlistfor(m => m.cityid, model.citylist)             @html.validationmessagefor(m => m.cityid, model.c)         </div> 

ajax code:

    $("#stateid").change(function () {          $.ajax({              type: "post",              url: '@url.action("member", "getcity")',              data: { stateid: $("#stateid > option:selected").attr("value") },              success: function (data) {                  var items = [];                  items.push("<option>--choose city--</option>");                  $.each(data, function () {                      items.push("<option value=" + this.value + ">" + this.text + "</option>");                  });                  $("#cityid").html(items.join(' '));              }          })      }); 

try this

here controller :

   public jsonresult functionname(){    list<string> city = new list<string>();    var dbcity = yourdbentity.tablename.where(x=>x.columnname==condition).select(x=>x.city);    foreach(var in dbcity){       city.add(i);     }    return json(city, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget);    } 


$(document).ready(function (result) {   $.post('/yourcontorller/functionname', {parameter : parameter }, function (result) {     $.each(result, function (key, value) {             $('#yourdropdownid').append($("<option></option>").html(value).val(value));         });   },"json"); }); 
