caching - Centralized Cache failed in hadoop-2.3 -

i want use centralized cache in hadoop-2.3.

here steps. (10 nodes, every node 6g memory) file(45m) cached

[hadoop@master ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /input/pics/bundle found 1 items -rw-r--r--   1 hadoop supergroup   47185920 2014-03-09 19:10 /input/pics/bundle/bundle.chq 

2.create cache pool

[hadoop@master ~]$ hdfs cacheadmin -addpool mypool -owner hadoop -group supergroup  added cache pool mypool. [hadoop@master ~]$ hdfs cacheadmin -listpools -stats   found 1 result. name    owner   group       mode            limit  maxttl  bytes_needed  bytes_cached  bytes_overlimit  files_needed  files_cached mypool  hadoop  supergroup  rwxr-xr-x   unlimited   never             0             0                0             0             0 


[hadoop@master ~]$ hdfs cacheadmin -adddirective -path /input/pics/bundle/bundle.chq -pool mypool -force -replication 3  added cache directive 2 


[hadoop@master ~]$ hdfs cacheadmin -listdirectives -stats -path /input/pics/bundle/bundle.chq -pool mypool found 1 entry id pool     repl expiry  path                            bytes_needed  bytes_cached  files_needed  files_cached 2 mypool      3 never   /input/pics/bundle/bundle.chq      141557760             0             1             0 

the bytes_needed right, bytes_cached zero. seems size has been calculated cache action puts file memory has not been how cache file memory. thank much.

there bunch of bugs fixed in hadoop 2.3. recommend using @ least hadoop 2.4 use hdfs caching.

to more detail need see log messages.
