java help! how do i read lines in file as paragraph and count words -

i want read lines in file paragraph. example if there lines of text without empty space between them should treat 1 paragraph , want count words.

so far count words correctly doesn't recognise lines of text paragraph. java beginner

scanner file = new scanner(new fileinputstream("/.../output.txt"));  int count = 0;  while (file.hasnextline()) {     string s = file.nextline();      count++;      if(s.contains("#avfc")){         system.out.printf("there %d words on line ", s.split("\\s").length-1);         system.out.println(count);     } }  file.close(); 

if "paragraph" defined "a sequence of non-blank lines", you're doing individual lines, add them until blank line (or end of file), @ point have count completed paragraph. remember reset sum when finish paragraph, ready start of next one. , might need deal multiple blank lines in row.

update: instead of printing out number of words in line, save number variable, wordsinline. if 0, you're done paragraph (unless count 0, means haven't started paragraph yet) -- print count , reset it.. if not, part of current paragraph, add count. finally, once you've finished file, if count isn't 0, have print count of last paragraph.


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