iphone - iOS Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed -

i have spent last 6hrs searching web bugs, have read , tried many suggested solutions , still couldn't fix problem. lets hope can point me right direction time.

i using fdt build air app, can test using ios simulator, can package , deploy ituneconnect can't push iphone can test it. sure mobileprovision correct (i check xcode 5), app id correct, , p12 also.

here log xcode console:

mar  9 22:27:32 202-436-0338 installd[17] <notice>: 0x10050c000 mobileinstallationinstall_server: installing app com.abcd.bht mar  9 22:27:33 202-436-0338 installd[17] <error>: 0x10050c000 verify_signer_identity: misvalidatesignatureandcopyinfo failed /var/tmp/install_staging.wprl4j/foo_extracted/payload/bht.app/bht: 0xe8008015 mar  9 22:27:33 202-436-0338 installd[17] <error>: 0x10050c000 do_preflight_verification: not verify executable @ /var/tmp/install_staging.wprl4j/foo_extracted/payload/bht.app mar  9 22:27:33 202-436-0338 installd[17] <error>: 0x10050c000 install_application: not preflight application install mar  9 22:27:33 202-436-0338 mobile_installation_proxy[142] <error>: 0x10050c000 mobileinstallationinstallforlaunchservices: failed -1 mar  9 22:27:33 202-436-0338 mobile_installation_proxy[142] <warning>: error: mobileinstallationinstallforlaunchservices returned nil mar  9 22:27:33 202-436-0338 mobile_installation_proxy[142] <error>: 0x10050c000 handle_install: installation failed: error domain=launchserviceserror code=0 "the operation couldn’t completed. (launchserviceserror error 0.)" userinfo=0x12c5121d0 {error=applicationverificationfailed, errordetail=-402620395} mar  9 22:27:33 202-436-0338 installd[17] <error>: 0x10050c000 handle_install_for_ls: api failed 

provision file correct shown in xcode

have installed application on device same bundle identifier? may can cause problem. can try :

  1. delete adhoc apps phone.

  2. clean build xcode.

  3. double check if put correct bundle id , selected correct provisioning profiles.

  4. your device added provisioning profile? may created first provisioning profile, added device in developer portal. (recommended check device again in developer portal , create again adhoc profile.)

  5. install again
