.net - Moving cursor position? -

with below code, want shift cursor on screen point (200,200) works fine, when move mouse (with hand) cursor returns original location. doing wrong?

i running xp on kvm virtual machine running on linux host - not should effect how program runs.

i have tried other methods suggested various bulletin boards same effect.

public class form1 private sub form1_load(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles me.load system.windows.forms.cursor.position = new point(200, 200) end sub end class

thank-you comments.

<global.microsoft.visualbasic.compilerservices.designergenerated()> _ partial class form1     inherits windows.forms.form        ' inherits system.windows.forms.form     'form overrides dispose clean component list.     <system.diagnostics.debuggernonusercode()> _     protected overrides sub dispose(byval disposing boolean)         if disposing andalso components isnot nothing             components.dispose()         end if         mybase.dispose(disposing)     end sub      'required windows form designer     private components system.componentmodel.icontainer      'note: following procedure required windows form designer     'it can modified using windows form designer.       'do not modify using code editor.     <system.diagnostics.debuggerstepthrough()> _     private sub initializecomponent()          me.suspendlayout()         '          '         'form1         '         me.autoscaledimensions = new system.drawing.sizef(6.0!, 13.0!)         me.autoscalemode = system.windows.forms.autoscalemode.font         me.clientsize = new system.drawing.size(292, 266)          me.name = "form1"         me.text = "form1"         me.resumelayout(false)      end sub   end class   public class form1      private sub form1_load(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles me.load         dim abc new point         abc.offset(200, 200)         cursor.position = pointtoscreen(abc)     end sub end class 

the partial class above generated integrated development environment. last section contains suggested code. have done nothing regard "mouse move" event. however, in past test made protected override sub the on mouse move , code step through sub in debug mode when moved cursor. thinking behind if override sub in base class - prevent doing in base class mouse move ( . such moving cursor original location ) . not sure whether override class prevented or perhaps cursor being moved original location method in base class - can not see.

is possible able debug , step code part of base class - way see going on. when step debugging, shows methods in classes not methods in base class.

yes tried on windows xp 32-bit native - no virtual machines , cursor.position = new point (200,200) works expected. problem must virtual machine set up. tried on both virtual box , kvm , both did not handle cursor position command properly.
