endlessscroll - How to call ceaseFire in jquery endless scroll -

var lazyloadlist = {   zeroresult:'',   loadlist:function(url,templatename,callbackaction,divid){         this.zeroresult = false;         $(document).endlessscroll({             //pagestokeep: 10,             fireonce: false,             callback: callbackaction,             ajaxurl: url,             templatename: templatename,             dividtoupdate: divid,             ceasefireonempty:true,             ceasefire: function(i, p) {                return this.zeroresult;             },              intervalfrequency: 5         });     },    getlist:function(firesequence, pagesequence, scrolldirection, ajaxurl, templatename, dividtoupdate){           if (pagesequence > 1) {             var requesturl = ajaxurl + pagesequence;             $.ajax({                 url: requesturl,                 datatype: 'json',                 complete: function() {                 },                 success: function(response){                    if (response != '0'){                         var template = $("#"+templatename).html();                         detailview = mustache.render(template, response.data);                          $("#"+dividtoupdate).append(detailview);                         //servicelisttemplatediv                     }else{                         this.zeroresult = true;                     }                 }             });          }      }    }; 

in above code jquery endless scroll plugin. have 2 questions regarding above code:-

1- how call ceasefire when this.zeroresult true?

2- how stop callback when scrolled in upward direction, have handled using if (pagesequence > 1) {} in above code?

use lazyloadlist.zeroresult instead of this.zeroresult 

class names important , should used call/ access variables , methods


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