python - Can save django model to mysql database, but ORM is broken -

i have following model

class examtimeslot(models.model):     course = models.foreignkey(course)     start_time = models.datetimefield() 

and test project under python's interactive mode through

python shell  

i can save insance of model through

>>> s = datetime.datetime(2014,4,4,12,30,0,0,django.utils.timezone.utc) >>> ex = examtimeslot(course=c, start_time=s) >>> 

and when check mysql database, data saved

mysql> select * sm_examtimeslot; +----+-----------+---------------------+ | id | course_id | start_time          | +----+-----------+---------------------+ |  1 |         1 | 2014-04-04 12:30:00 | +----+-----------+---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 

but when query shell through, nothing returned

>>> examtimeslot.objects.all() [] 

can me this? thanks!


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