python - sublime differentiate between single line comments and multiline comments -

i use sublime text 2 php , python. there can distinguish between single line , multi line comments. instanse, if type:

/* [enter] 

sublime autocompletes to:

/* [cursor here] */ 

this doesn't work php equivalent single line comments:

// comment [enter] 

resutls in:

// comment [cursor here] 

i have behaviour in python well. in python however, if use "#" single line comment this:

# comment [enter] 

results in:

# comment # [cursor here] 

this annoyting since have backspace twice undo it. multiline comment triple quotes doesn't work @ all. (it highlights correctly, not autocomplete)

how can change this? there keybinding can change or syntax specific thing?

edit: installed packages: - package control - docblockr - sidebarenhancements - sublimelinter - synchronized scrolling

ok, think i've figured out - doesn't have docblockr. first, open packages/python/miscellaneous.tmpreferences (where packages folder opened when going preferences -> browse packages...) , delete following lines (they should lines 19-24):

<dict>     <key>name</key>     <string>tm_comment_start</string>     <key>value</key>     <string># </string> </dict> 

save file. next, create new file (with xml syntax, if want highlighting) following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype plist public "-//apple computer//dtd plist 1.0//en" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict>     <key>name</key>     <string>comments</string>     <key>scope</key>     <string>source.python</string>     <key>settings</key>     <dict>         <key>shellvariables</key>         <array>             <dict>                 <key>name</key>                 <string>tm_comment_start</string>                 <key>value</key>                 <string># </string>             </dict>         </array>     </dict>     <key>uuid</key>     <string>a67a8bd9-a951-406a-9175-018dd4b52fd1</string> </dict> </plist> 

save file packages/python/comments.tmpreferences. restart sublime, , should set.
