Protractor: convert webElement to elementFinder -

the element.all() returns array of webelements. i'd able further process these elements. example element.all(by.something()).each(function(row) { var button = row.element(by.buttonwithtext("cancel")).then(....

but of course, can't use row.element because row webelement, not elementfinder.

is there easy way of converting webelement elementfinder?

i thinking of getting xpath webelement using by.xpath() seems overkill.

i'm pretty sure that's ok or try this

ptor.findelements('tr')).then(function(rows){   rows[0].findelement('something')).click(); }); 

that should work want use structure in few places. if use findelement work in same way wouldn't array ..rows.findelement..etc
