zend framework - Convert binary or hexadecimal string using php into 32-bit float value. Big endian \ Little endian -

how can convert 32-bit binary string 00111001101010000101110000100010 or hexadecimal string 39a85c22 float value?

for use in zend framework.

i use following class. usage output 0.00032112101325765 3 times:

$x = new application_model_binary("39a85c22"); echo "\n".$x->getfloatfrombits(0, application_model_binary::endian_big);  $x = new application_model_binary("00111001101010000101110000100010", false); echo "\n".$x->getfloatfrombits(0, application_model_binary::endian_big);  $x = new  application_model_binary("225ca839"); echo "\n".$x->getfloatfrombits(0, application_model_binary::endian_little); 

and class

class application_model_binary {     const endian_big = 0;     const endian_little = 1;      private $bin;      public function __construct($string, $as_hex = true) {         if($as_hex){             $this->bin = $this->hex2bin($string);         }else{             $this->bin = $string;         }     }      /**      * convert hex-string bin-string      * @param string $data      * @return string      */     private function hex2bin($data){         $encoded = '';         $data_arr = str_split($data, 2);          foreach($data_arr $val){             $binary = base_convert($val, 16, 2);             $encoded .= str_pad($binary, 8, '0', str_pad_left);         }         return $encoded;     }      /**      * integer value out of current binary      * @param integer $start offset      * @param integer $length length      * @return integer      */     public function getvaluefrombits($start, $length = null){         return base_convert($this->getbinaryslice($start, $length), 2, 10);     }      /**      * particular piece of current binary      * @param integer $start      * @param integer $length      * @return string      */     public function getbinaryslice($start, $length = null){         if($length){             return substr($this->bin, $start, $length);         }else{             return substr($this->bin, $start);         }     }      /**      * bits count      * @return type      */     public function bits(){         return strlen($this->bin);     }      /**      * 32-bit float value @ particular offset @ specific endian type      * @param integer $offset offset      * @return float      */     public function getfloatfrombits($offset, $mode = self::endian_big){         if($mode === self::endian_big){             $sign = $this->getbinaryslice($offset, 1);             $exp = $this->getbinaryslice($offset + 1, 8);             $mantissa = "1" . $this->getbinaryslice($offset + 9, 23);         }else{             $sign = $this->getbinaryslice($offset + 24, 1);             $exp = $this->getbinaryslice($offset + 25, 7).$this->getbinaryslice($offset + 16, 1);             $mantissa = "1" . $this->getbinaryslice($offset + 17, 7) . $this->getbinaryslice($offset + 8, 8) . $this->getbinaryslice($offset, 8);         }          $mantissa = str_split($mantissa);         $exp = bindec($exp) - 127;         $base = 0;          ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {             $base += (1 / pow(2, $i))*$mantissa[$i];         }         return $base * pow(2, $exp) * ($sign*-2+1);     } } 
