java - How to get a certain enum instance when we are given only 1 value of its parameters? -

please find enum class below:

public enum countrycode //implements ienum { ad("andorra", "and", "europe", "south west europe"), ae("united arab emirates", "are", "asia", "south west asia"), af("afghanistan", "afg", "asia", "south asia"), // , 1 till z  // attributes defined private final string label; private final string isocode3; private final string continent; private final string region;  // countructor defined private countrycode(string label, string isocode3, string continent, string region) {     this.label = label;     this.isocode3 = isocode3;     this.continent = continent;     this.region = region;  }   // end countrycode  } // end enum countrycode 

now if given country name i.e. label, how corresponding enum instance? if given "andorra", want ad.

i cache relations within map keys labels , values corresponding countrycode insances. way, iterate on countrycode instances once instead of each time getbylabel() method gets called.

public enum countrycode {      ad("andorra", "and", "europe", "south west europe"),     ae("united arab emirates", "are", "asia", "south west asia"),     af("afghanistan", "afg", "asia", "south asia");      private static final map<string, countrycode> by_label;     static {         map<string, countrycode> bylabel = new hashmap<string, countrycode>();         (countrycode countrycode : values()) {             bylabel.put(countrycode.label, countrycode);         }         by_label = collections.unmodifiablemap(bylabel);     }      private final string label;     private final string isocode3;     private final string continent;     private final string region;      private countrycode(string label, string isocode3, string continent, string region) {         this.label = label;         this.isocode3 = isocode3;         this.continent = continent;         this.region = region;     }      public static countrycode getbylabel(string label) {         return by_label.get(label);     }  } 

then, call:

countrycode countrycode = countrycode.getbylabel("andorra"); 


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