oMail - adding changing merge fields to vba code from database form -

i basic user , i've set command button, on click send email. far, have managed make work point can send email particular email address in database, have stored field 'servicecontact' , want able send email address specified in field. insert merge fields email body specify email relating to

this code have used far

private sub receipt_confirmation_email_click() dim oapp outlook.application dim omail mailitem dim rs dao.recordset set oapp = createobject("outlook.application") set omail = oapp.createitem(olmailitem) set db = currentdb set rs = db.openrecordset("select * [checks]", dbopendynaset)  omail.body = "re <insert field name here>" omail.body = omail.body & " " omail.subject = "confirmation email" = {{{{this section struggling format}}}} omail.sentonbehalfofname = "" omail.send set omail = nothing set oapp = nothing  end sub 

any might able give me gratefully received.

thank you

you can refer form in code, example: = forms!checks!servicecontact 

you may need check servicecontact not null.

if code run on form checks, can use

