How to make a C# source file to be processed by the Visual Studio, but NOT compiled in the assembly? -

i have many c# script source files in project tree marked build action: none

the problem is: if source file marked build action: none go declaration, go implementation , other navigation , refactoring functions of visual studio , resharper doesn't work anymore.

the script files compiled csharpcodeprovider once app running , behave 100% same if in actual code base (the original executable assembly).

the difference here source files not compiled msbuild, app itself.

how can force visual studio/build process analyze files (as if going compiled) without including them final executable assembly?

if edit main project file (.csproj) , add afterbuild target, can invoke custom action on post build. following example calls compile.exe build action=none items in project extension of .proj.

<target name="afterbuild">    <itemgroup>     <scripts include="@(none)" condition="'%(extension)' == '.proj'" />   </itemgroup>   <message text="scripts files: @(scripts)" importance="high" />   <exec command="compile.exe %22%(scripts.fullpath)%22"          workingdirectory="$(msbuildprojectdirectory)"         condition="'@(scripts)' != ''"  /> </target> 


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