sorting - JQuery Data Tables secondary sort not working properly -

i have data table set on visualforce page. here code:

this custom sort extension:

jquery.extend(jquery.fn.datatableext.osort, {     "hybrid-asc": function(x, y) {         if (!isnan(parseint(x)) && !isnan(parseint(y))) {             x = parseint(x);             y = parseint(y);         }         return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));     },     "hybrid-desc": function(x, y) {         if (!isnan(parseint(x)) && !isnan(parseint(y))) {             x = parseint(x);             y = parseint(y);         }         return ((x < y) ? 1 : ((x > y) ? -1 : 0));     } }); 

here data table code:

$(".tablesorterresjob").datatable( {     //"bsort": true,     "aasorting": [[1,'asc'],[5,'asc']],     "sscrolly": "200px",     "sscrollx": "100%",     "bautowidth": true,     "aocolumns": [         { "swidth": "30px" },         { "bsortable": true },         null,         null,         null,         { "bsortable": true, "stype": "hybrid" },         null,         null     ],     "bpaginate": true,     "bjqueryui": true,      "idisplaylength": 10,     "blengthchange": false } ) 

so want sort column 1 , sort column 5.

here screen shot of data:

the distance column (column 5) not being sorted properly. what's weird if switch column primary column ("aasorting": [[5,'asc'],[1,'asc']]), works fine.

can shed light on this?


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