java - Recipe App , best way to make selection for recipes? -

so designing app libgdx , kind of simple app anyway. recipe guide app. best way render selection screen recipes , thinking create table , display recipes , make clickable / touchable. don't know first way start doing in libgdx or if theirs better alternative.

ok tried make work getting error , know error means having difficult time finding null;

more eyes better one. err two.

this class recipescreen

private textureatlas atlas; private sprite sprite; private orthographiccamera camera; private assetmanager assets; private spritebatch batch;  int[] blockmenu = new int[100]; public recipescreen(){  } public void create(){      camera = new orthographiccamera(720,1280);      assets = new assetmanager();      if ( =={         assets.load("data/akemix.pack", textureatlas.class);         assets.finishloading();     } else {         assets.load("bin/data/bakemix.pack", textureatlas.class);         assets.finishloading();     }         if ( =={         atlas = assets.get("bin/data/bakemix.pack");     } else {         atlas = assets.get("bin/data/bakemix.pack");     }        sprite = new sprite(atlas.findregion("blockbacksel"));   } public void renderblockmenu(){     //batch.setprojectionmatrix(camera.combined);     batch.begin();     sprite.draw(batch);     batch.end();  }    public void dispose(){     assets.dispose();     batch.dispose();  } 


this class start screen

public startscreen(){  }  spritebatch batch;  texture textbckg;  bitmapfont font;  inputmultiplexer ui;  boolean leftpressed = false;  boolean screentouched  = false;  debug debug = new debug();  recipescreen rscreen = new recipescreen();  screenstate sstate = new screenstate();  public void create(){     batch = new spritebatch();     font = new bitmapfont();     ui  = new inputmultiplexer();     ui.addprocessor(new myinputprocessor());     sstate.setscreenstate(0); //set start     gdx.input.setinputprocessor(ui);     if ( =={         textbckg = new texture(gdx.files.internal("data/backgroundmix.png"));     } else {         textbckg = new texture(gdx.files.internal("bin/data/backgroundmix.png"));     }     if ( =={         font = new bitmapfont(gdx.files.internal("data/mixbig.fnt"),gdx.files.internal("data/mixbig.png"),false);     } else {         font = new bitmapfont(gdx.files.internal("bin/data/mixbig.fnt"),gdx.files.internal("bin/data/mixbig.png"),false);     }   } public void render(){     batch.begin();     if (sstate.getscreenstate() == 0){     batch.draw(textbckg,0,0,1280,720);     font.setcolor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);     font.draw(batch, "                  baker mix                     ", 180, 400);     font.draw(batch, "                  touch start!                  ", 180, 350);     isstarthit();     } else if (sstate.getscreenstate() == 1){         batch.draw(textbckg,0,0,32,32);         rscreen.renderblockmenu();     }     //debug.displaydebugcoords();     batch.end(); } public void dispose(){     batch.dispose();     textbckg.dispose();     debug.dispose();     font.dispose(); } public void isstarthit(){     if ( =={         if (screentouched = gdx.input.istouched()){             font.draw(batch, "button pressed!", 180, 300);             sstate.setscreenstate(1);         }     } else {         if  (leftpressed = gdx.input.isbuttonpressed(input.buttons.left)){              rscreen.create();             rscreen.renderblockmenu();              sstate.setscreenstate(1);          }     } } 



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