JMX - addConnectionNotificationListener not handling connection close -
i trying detect shutdown of remote server using jmx connection.
the approach using to
- create jmx connection weblogic server, and
- add "addconnectionnotificationlistener" connector
now if server goes down, expecting notification of type "jmxconnectionnotification".
this not happen. figuring out connection not valid anymore, have access (by small means) , when connection object accessed notification listener gets notification. if done way, not real-time.
can point me can done solve issue?
my code reference -
public class printserverstate { private static mbeanserverconnection connection; private static jmxconnector connector; private static final objectname service; private jmxconnectornotificationlistener connectionlistener = null; static { try { service = new objectname( "com.bea:name=domainruntimeservice,"); } catch (malformedobjectnameexception e) { throw new assertionerror(e.getmessage()); } } public void initconnection (string hostname, string portstring, string username, string password) throws ioexception, malformedurlexception { string protocol = "t3"; integer portinteger = integer.valueof(portstring); int port = portinteger.intvalue(); string jndiroot = "/jndi/"; string mserver = ""; //string mserver = ""; jmxserviceurl serviceurl = new jmxserviceurl(protocol, hostname, port, jndiroot + mserver); hashtable h = new hashtable(); h.put(context.security_principal, username); h.put(context.security_credentials, password); h.put(jmxconnectorfactory.protocol_provider_packages, ""); system.out.println(serviceurl); connector = jmxconnectorfactory.connect(serviceurl,h); if (connector != null) { connectionlistener = new jmxconnectornotificationlistener(); system.out.println("created 1 listener connector "); } /* try{ connector.addconnectionnotificationlistener(connectionlistener,null,null); }catch(exception e){ system.out.println("connector not support notfication listener"); } */ connection = connector.getmbeanserverconnection(); } public static void main(string[] args) throws exception { string hostname = ""; string portstring = "7001"; string username = "weblogic"; string password = "password"; printserverstate s = new printserverstate(); s.initconnection(hostname, portstring, username, password); string test = connection.getdefaultdomain(); system.out.println(test); for(int =0 ; i<=20;i++){ thread.sleep(1000); system.out.println(i); } string test1 = connection.getdefaultdomain(); system.out.println(test1); } //inner class private class jmxconnectornotificationlistener implements notificationlistener{ public jmxconnectornotificationlistener() { connector.addconnectionnotificationlistener(this,null,null); } public void handlenotification(notification notification, object handback) { system.out.println("notification"); string type = notification.gettype(); if (jmxconnectionnotification.closed.equals(type) || jmxconnectionnotification.failed.equals(type)) { system.out.println("jmx connection failed!!!"); } else if (jmxconnectionnotification.opened.equals(type)) { system.out.println("jmx connection opened!!!"); } else { system.out.println("recvd jmxconnectionnotification status " + type); } } } }
due nature of underlying implementation, can't notified connection severed. think of client socket - way know when server has shut end try reading socket , seeing -1 or getting ioexception.
you have 2 options:
leave , notified when attempt access bean/connection , reconnect on spot.
periodically attempt access connection (maybe try read jvm runtime attribute or not taxing) scheduled executor notified sooner.
which use:
if scheduled service polling data on jmx in background, option 1 should suffice.
if operations executed upon user request, option 2 preferred can attempt reconnect before user ever notices.
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