javascript - OO Style Arguments in Elixir? -

how can pass self parameter in elixir in oo way?

for example wrote erlang javascript object garbage collection:

-module(o).  -export([n/0, g/2, s/3, d/1]).  -behaviour(gen_server). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).  -record(state, {dictionary=dict:new()}).  -define(server, ?module).  -on_load(deps/0).  deps() ->     = fun(mod) ->         try application:start(mod) catch _type:_what -> ok end     end,     [as(mod) || mod <- [sasl, lager, resource]],     ok.  n() ->     case gen_server:start(?module, {}, []) of         {ok, pid} ->             res = resource:notify_when_destroyed(pid, {timeout, pid}),             {?module, {res, pid}};         other ->             other     end.  g(key, {?module, {_res, pid}}) ->     gen_server:call(pid, {g, key}).  s(key, val, {?module, {_res, pid}}) ->     gen_server:cast(pid, {s, key, val}).  d({?module, {_res, pid}}) ->     gen_server:cast(pid, stop).  %% @private init({}) ->     {ok, #state{}}.  %% @private handle_call({g, key}, _from, state = #state{dictionary=dict}) ->     {reply, case dict:find(key, dict) of {ok, val} -> val; error -> error end, state}; handle_call(request, _from, state) ->     lager:info("handle_call discarded request: ~p", [request]),     {reply, {error, unknown_call}, state}.  %% @private handle_cast({s, key, value}, state = #state{dictionary=dict}) ->     {noreply, state#state{dictionary=dict:store(key, value, dict)}}; handle_cast(stop, state) ->     {stop, normal, state}; handle_cast(msg, state) ->     lager:info("handle_cast discarded message: ~p", [msg]),     {noreply, state}.  %% @private handle_info({timeout, pid}, state) ->     d({?module, {res, pid}}),     lager:info("garbage collection of object ~p", [pid]),     {noreply, state}; handle_info(info, state) ->     lager:info("handle_info discarded message: ~p", [info]),     {noreply, state}.  %% @private terminate(_reason, _state) ->     ok.  %% @private code_change(_oldvsn, state, _extra) ->     {ok, state}. 

note: use resource collection.

1> l(o). ... logs ... {module,o} 2> o = o:n(). {o,{{resource,140524043665312,<<>>},<0.58.0>}} 3> o:s(a, b). ok 4> o:g(a). b 6> o:s(hello, fun() -> io:format("hello world~n") end).  ok 7> (o:g(hello))(). hello world ok 

as far i'm aware it's not possible call modules in way in elixir. must explicitly pass self parameter of calls. take erlang example elixir, like:

iex> o = o.n() {o, {{:resource, 140524043665312, <<>>}, <0.58.0>}} iex> o.s(:a, :b, o) :ok iex> o.g(:a, o) :b ... 

someone else can chime in , correct me here, haven't seen oo-like access demonstrated here in of elixir code i've seen.
