Multiple Java and Ant -

i advise on following issue. need have both java 6 , java 7 run on machine. @ same time, need have ant installed.

therefore, understand need edit environment variables. have setup accoirdinly accordinly shown below when type ant or java -version on cmd both commands indicating not reconised. please advice on issue.

environtment variables (system variables)

ant_home = c:\apache\ant java_6 = c:\progra~2\java\jre6 java_7 = c:\progra~1\java\jdk1.7.0_25\jre java_home = %java_6% (or java_home=%java_7%) path = %java_home%\bin;%path%;%ant_home%\bin 

after setting following amendments in environment varibales, both ant -version, java -version commands give me "java.exe" not recongined

after restarted pc, worked properly.
