nsstring - How can I disable the decimal key on iOS keyboard -

i want disable "." key on number pad after detecting user has entered in 1 decimal point textfield.

so key enabled until 1 decimal detected in textfield.

what best way of doing this?

edit: i've implemented method below:

- (bool)textfield:(uitextfield *)textfield shouldchangecharactersinrange:(nsrange)range replacementstring:(nsstring *)string {      if([string isequaltostring:@"."]) {         decimalcount++;     }      if(decimalcount > 1) {          [string stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"." withstring:@""];      }      return yes; } 

however, it's not replacing "." "" when decimal count greater 1. missing user can still enter new digits not decimal points??

you can't disable key. implement shouldtextfield:shouldchangecharactersinrange:replacementstring: delegate method whatever filtering need.

this needs done anyway since user using external keyboard or attempt paste text text field.


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