python - how to get a few items from the set? -

please 2 of 3 li. use following script:

import lxml.html  doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring("""     <ul>         <li>111</li>         <li>222</li>         <li>333</li>     </ul> """) lis = doc.xpath('//li') = 0 result = [] elem in lis:     result.append(elem)     = + 1     if > 1: break  print(result) 

but need sample made ​​no xpath-expression , cycle, xpath-expression.

you can use position() reduce xpath result set, eg:

result = doc.xpath('//li[position() <= 2]') # [<element li @ 0x7f7728684530>, <element li @ 0x7f7728684590>] 
