c# - AmChart customization for Windows Phone 8 -

i have working on windows phone 8 app , trying implement charting library.

i have used charting example given here :http://mobile.dzone.com/articles/mango-sample-chart-data

its good, not able customize it.

3 issues :

1) onclick of slice need value.

2) how add double tap ?

3) legends should @ bottom aligned horizontally.

here screen shot.

enter image description here


this xaml file:

<grid x:name="contentpanel" grid.row="1" margin="12,0,0,0">             <charts:piechart width="400"                              name="piechart"                              height="400"                              doubletap="piechart_doubletap"                              tap="piechart_tap"                              valuememberpath="value"                              titlememberpath="title "                              background="black">                 <charts:piechart.brushes>                     <radialgradientbrush gradientorigin="0,0" center="0,0">                         <gradientstop offset="0" color="#73c766" />                         <gradientstop offset="1" color="#73c766" />                     </radialgradientbrush>                     <radialgradientbrush gradientorigin="0,0" center="0,0">                         <gradientstop offset="0" color="#6668c7" />                         <gradientstop offset="1" color="#6668c7" />                     </radialgradientbrush>                     <radialgradientbrush gradientorigin="0,0" center="0,0">                         <gradientstop offset="0" color="#c766c7" />                         <gradientstop offset="1" color="#c766c7" />                     </radialgradientbrush>                 </charts:piechart.brushes>                 <charts:piechart.datasource>                     <local:piedatacollection>                         <local:piedata title="abc" value="100"></local:piedata>                         <local:piedata title="xyz" value="100"></local:piedata>                         <local:piedata title="pqr" value="100"></local:piedata>                     </local:piedatacollection>                 </charts:piechart.datasource>             </charts:piechart>         </grid> 

1) have added both

doubletap="piechart_doubletap" tap="piechart_tap"  

but dont know how can values.

2) dont know how alling legends horzontally


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