javascript - Google Maps Encode Polyline Rendering Wrong -

i having problems rendering polylines on google map univer. result should polyline on: (google maps directions leeds london).

i rendering individual paths each step google directions api instead of getting google directions map, can use loop render individual paths each step google directions api , polyline paths in rome2rio search api result.

the following php writes out javascript map:

<script type="text/javascript"> function initialize() { var mylatlng = new google.maps.latlng(53.796490000000006, -1.5473400000000002); var myoptions = {     zoom: 8,     center: mylatlng,     maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.terrain }; var map = new"routemap"), myoptions);  <?php $stopcounter = 0; foreach($traveldata[0]->stops $stop):     echo 'var stoplatlng'.$stopcounter.' = new google.maps.latlng('.$stop->location.');';     echo 'var marker'.$stopcounter.' = new google.maps.marker({               position: stoplatlng'.$stopcounter.',               map: map,               title: \''.$stop->name.'\'           });';     ++$stopcounter; endforeach;  $segementcounter = 0; foreach($traveldata[0]->segments $segment):     echo 'var routepath'.$segementcounter.' = \''.$segment->path.'\'; ';     echo 'var path'.$segementcounter.' = google.maps.geometry.encoding.decodepath(string(routepath'.$segementcounter.')); ';     echo 'var route'.$segementcounter.' = new google.maps.polyline({               path: path'.$segementcounter.',               strokecolor: "#ff0000",               strokeopacity: 1.0,               strokeweight: 2             }); ';     ++$segementcounter; endforeach; $segementcounter = 0; foreach($traveldata[0]->segments $segment):     echo 'route'.$segementcounter.'.setmap(map);';     ++$segementcounter; endforeach;?>  } google.maps.event.adddomlistener(window, 'load', initialize); </script> <div id="routemap" class="floatleft"> </div> 

from research, seems javascript causing problems (possibly escaping characters) cannot find resolution. code output php here:

the backslashes in encoded path must escaped backslash:

using json_encode should preserve original string(assuming backslashes have been escaped in original string):

echo 'var routepath'.$segementcounter.' = '.json_encode($segment->path).';'; 


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