wpf - powershell datatemplate binding syntax -

i'm having problems figuring out syntax itemscontrol databinding in powershell. have simple wpf script below 2 examples of itemscontrol data template. first 1 (list01) has multiple elements , not show properly, 2nd itemscontrol (list02) has 1 binding element , works fine.

i'm looking correct syntax bind objects first itemscontrol (list01).

complete powershell script (:

[xml]$xaml = @'  <window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"         xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" x:name="mainwindow"         title="itemscontroldatabindingsample" height="350" width="300"> <grid margin="10">     <grid.rowdefinitions>         <rowdefinition minheight="20"/>         <rowdefinition minheight="50"/>         <rowdefinition minheight="50"/>     </grid.rowdefinitions>     <grid.columndefinitions>         <columndefinition width="50"/>     </grid.columndefinitions>      <itemscontrol name="list01" grid.row="1">         <itemscontrol.itemtemplate>             <datatemplate>                 <grid margin="5">                     <grid.columndefinitions>                         <columndefinition width="*" />                         <columndefinition width="100" />                     </grid.columndefinitions>                     <textblock text="{binding title}" />                     <progressbar grid.column="1" minimum="0" maximum="100" value="{binding completion}" />                 </grid>             </datatemplate>         </itemscontrol.itemtemplate>     </itemscontrol>      <itemscontrol name="list02" grid.row="2">         <itemscontrol.itemtemplate>             <datatemplate>                 <grid margin="5">                     <grid.columndefinitions>                         <columndefinition width="*" />                     </grid.columndefinitions>                     <label content="{binding}"/>                 </grid>             </datatemplate>         </itemscontrol.itemtemplate>     </itemscontrol> </grid>      </window>     '@  #new-object system.windows.controls.itemscontrol  [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname('presentationframework') [void][reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname('system.drawing')  #read xaml $form = [windows.markup.xamlreader]::load( (new-object system.xml.xmlnodereader $xaml) )  #find objects $mainwindow = $form.findname('mainwindow') $list01 = $form.findname('list01') $list02 = $form.findname('list02')  ## not work ## $source01 = @(     [ordered]@{ title=([string]'complete wpf tutorial'); completion=([int]45) },     [ordered]@{ title=([string]'learn c#'); completion=([int]80) },     [ordered]@{ title=([string]'wash car'); completion=([int]25) }     [ordered]@{ title=([string]'make kids homework'); completion=([int]3) } ); ## not work ## $source01 = @{ title='test01'; completion=50 }  ## not work ## $testarray = @() $tmpobject = select-object -inputobject "" title,completion $tmpobject.title = 'complete wpf tutorial' $tmpobject.completion = 45 $testarray += $tmpobject  $list01.itemssource = $testarray #$list01 | gm -type method   ## works ## $source02 = @('test01','test02','test03') $list02.itemssource = $source02  [void]$form.showdialog(); 

this code based off simple c# example: http://www.wpf-tutorial.com/list-controls/itemscontrol

however, i'm not sure how syntax directly transates powershell.

i suggest using mvvm approach. set datacontext property of window , bind itemscontrol.itemssource property list want, e.g. itemssource="{binding myitemslistproperty}".

a full example of (based on example code posted above):

$xaml = @" <window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"         xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" x:name="mainwindow"         title="itemscontroldatabindingsample" height="350" width="300"> <grid margin="10">      <itemscontrol itemssource="{binding myitemslistproperty}">         <itemscontrol.itemtemplate>             <datatemplate>                 <grid margin="5">                     <grid.columndefinitions>                         <columndefinition width="*" />                         <columndefinition width="100" />                     </grid.columndefinitions>                     <textblock text="{binding title}" />                      <progressbar grid.column="1" minimum="0" maximum="100" value="{binding completion}" />                 </grid>             </datatemplate>         </itemscontrol.itemtemplate>     </itemscontrol>  </grid> </window> "@  [void][system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname('presentationframework')  #read xaml $window = [windows.markup.xamlreader]::parse($xaml)  $viewmodel = new-object psobject -property @{     myitemslistproperty = @(             new-object psobject -property @{              title='complete wpf tutorial'             completion=45.0          };             new-object psobject -property @{              title='learn c#'             completion=80.0          };             new-object psobject -property @{              title='wash car'             completion=25.0         };             new-object psobject -property @{              title='make kids homework'             completion=3.0          };     ) };  $window.datacontext = $viewmodel  $window.showdialog() 


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