java - Efficient packet decoding -
i working on netty application snmp protocol. protocol has 3 different versions 1,2,3
, corresponding message format go versions. wondering efficient way decode these based on variations between packet formats.
snmpv1 message format:
snmpv2 message format:
as can see messages differ in format. post v3 differs lot can't post more 2 links.
my initial idea make reflection based decocder it's proving rather troublesome.
something along lines of (taken source on github):
public <t> t decode(w buf, class<t> clazz) throws asn1exception { if (typeencoders.containskey(clazz)) { return clazz.cast(typeencoders.get(clazz).decode(buf)); } t obj; @suppresswarnings("unchecked") map<string, object> sequence = (map<string, object>)annotatedtypeencoders.get(universaltype.sequence).decode(buf); try { obj = clazz.newinstance(); (map.entry<string, object> entry : sequence.entryset()) { entry.getkey(); field field = clazz.getfield(entry.getkey()); field.setaccessible(true); field.set(obj, entry.getvalue()); } } catch (exception e) { throw new asn1exception("unable set fields on object", e); } return obj; }
with mapped class of (my source):
public final class defaultsnmppdu implements snmpcommonpdu { @asn1type(type = asn1tag.integer) private snmpmessagetype type; @asn1type(type = asn1tag.integer) private int requestid; @asn1type(type = asn1tag.integer) private snmperrortype errortype; @asn1type(type = asn1tag.integer) private int errorindex; @asn1type(type = asn1tag.sequence) private map<string, object> variablebindings; @override public snmpmessagetype gettype() { return type; } @override public int getrequestid() { return requestid; } @override public snmperrortype geterrortype() { return errortype; } @override public int geterrorindex() { return errorindex; } @override public map<string, object> getvariablebindings() { return collections.unmodifiablemap(variablebindings); } }
i open ideas, thank you.
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