python - Passing numpy string-format arrays to fortran using f2py -

my aim print 2nd string python numpy array in fortran, ever first character printed, , it's not right string either.

can tell me correct way pass full string arrays fortran?

the code follows:

import numpy np import testa4  strvar = np.asarray(['aa','bb','cc'], dtype = np.dtype('a2')) testa4.testa4(strvar) 


subroutine testa4(strvar) implicit none  character(len=2), intent(in) :: strvar(3) !character*2 not work here - why?  print *, strvar(2)  end subroutine testa4 

compiled with

f2py -c -m testa4 testa4.f90 

output of above code


desired output


per documentation, f2py likes string arrays passed dtype='c' (i.e., '|s1'). gets part of way there, although there oddities array shape going on behind scenes (e.g., in lot of tests found fortran keep 2 character length, interpret 6 characters being indicative of 2x6 array, i'd random memory in output). (as far tell), requires treat fortran array 2d character array (as opposed 1d "string" array). unfortunately, couldn't take assumed shape , ended passing number of strings in argument.

i'm pretty sure i'm missing obvious, should work time being. why character*2 doesn't work ... have no idea.

module char_test  contains  subroutine print_strings(strings, n_strs)     implicit none      ! inputs     integer, intent(in) :: n_strs     character, intent(in), dimension(2,n_strs) :: strings  !f2py integer, intent(in) :: n_strs !f2py character, intent(in), dimension(2,n_strs) :: strings      ! misc.     integer*4 :: j       j=1, n_strs         write(*,*) strings(:,j)     end  end subroutine print_strings  end module char_test  ----------------  import numpy np import char_test ct  strings = np.array(['aa', 'bb', 'cc'], dtype='c').t ct.char_test.print_strings(strings, strings.shape[1])  strings = np.array(['ab', 'cd', 'ef'], dtype='c').t ct.char_test.print_strings(strings, strings.shape[1])   -->python  aa  bb  cc  ab  cd  ef 
