sql - Derived Column FindString Error -

i have dataset below

s.no column_a                         column_b  1    san diego sewage department      hello 2    california sewage plant          hi 3    paulo alto sewage                yolo 

now need find , replace sewage department, sewage plant, sewage sd

so final result should like

s.no column_a                         column_b  1    san diego sd                     hello 2    california sd                    hi 3    paulo alto sd                    yolo 

i have tried writing in derived column not of them getting converted

findstring(column_a,"sewage%",1)>0 ? replace(column_a,"sewage%","") + "sd" : column_a 

i think issue using sql wild card in functions, , far know don't accept wild cards.

i think following equivalent:

findstring(column_a,"sewage",1) > 0 ?      substring(column_a, 1, findstring(column_a,"sewage",1) - 1) + "sd" :      column_a 
