scala read/write format for json with Type -

i having problems understanding how serialize type.

lets used serialize way:

case class localizeditem(itemid:string, var value:string) {     def this(itemid:option[string]) = this(itemid.getorelse(null), "")     def this(itemid:string) = this(itemid, "") } 

and in formatter do:

trait productformats extends errorformats {    implicit val localizeditemformat = new format[localizeditem]{ def writes(item: localizeditem):jsvalue = {   json.obj(       "itemid" -> item.itemid,       "value" -> item.value       ) } def reads(json: jsvalue): jsresult[localizeditem] =  jssuccess(new localizeditem(     (json \ "itemid").as[string],     (json \ "value").as[string]     ))     } 

my question how use same pattern object receive generic item/type (generic have write/read implemented same way localizeditem has)


case class dtoresponse[t](d: t) {   def iserror = false   def get() = d } 

when trying implement in way:

implicit val dtoresponseformat = new format[dtoresponse] {  def writes(item: dtorespons):jsvalue = {   json.obj(       "itemid" -> item.itemid,       "value" -> item.value       ) } 

i receive error:

class dtoresponse takes type parameters   

something along lines of:

implicit def dtoresponseformat[t: format] = new format[dtoresponse[t]] {  val tformatter: format[t] = implicitly[format[t]]  def writes(item: dtoresponse):jsvalue = {   json.obj(     "itemid" -> tformatter.writes(item.get())   )   } } 

here assumption need format values of type t well. if not, can remove type constraint.
