apache poi - Read from a specific row onwards from Excel File -
i have got excel file having around 7000 rows approx read. , excel file contains table of contents , actual contents data in details below.
i avoid rows table of content , start actual content data read. because if need read data "cpu_info" loop , search string occurrence twice 1] table of content , 2] actual content.
so know if there way can point start row index start reading data content excel file , skipping whole of table of content section?
as taken apache poi documentation on iterating on rows , cells:
in cases, when iterating, need full control on how missing or blank rows or cells treated, , need ensure visit every cell , not defined in file. (the celliterator return cells defined in file, largely values or stylings, depends on excel).
in cases such these, should fetch first , last column information row, call getcell(int, missingcellpolicy) fetch cell. use missingcellpolicy control how blank or null cells handled.
if take example code documentation, , tweak requirement start on row 7000, , assuming want not go past 15k rows, get:
// decide rows process int rowstart = math.min(7000, sheet.getfirstrownum()); int rowend = math.max(1500, sheet.getlastrownum()); (int rownum = rowstart; rownum < rowend; rownum++) { row r = sheet.getrow(rownum); int lastcolumn = math.max(r.getlastcellnum(), my_minimum_column_count); (int cn = 0; cn < lastcolumn; cn++) { cell c = r.getcell(cn, row.return_blank_as_null); if (c == null) { // spreadsheet empty in cell } else { // useful cell's contents } } }
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