xml - AS3 Duplicate function -

so playing little code , attempting duplicate dynamic text flashtip2 show different values xml like: return (math.floor(math.random() * (0 + 0 + 0)) + 13); - on dynamic text flashtip2. how can duplicate without errors of duplicated values? code is:

var xmlloader:urlloader = new urlloader(); var xmldata:xml = new xml();  xmlloader.addeventlistener(event.complete, loadxml); xmlloader.load(new urlrequest("http://www.cbbh.ba/kursna_bs.xml"));  /* loads xml */ function loadxml(e:event):void { xmldata = new xml(e.target.data); parsedata(xmldata);  }   /* gets data today's tip */  function parsedata(mtip:xml):void {       var itemxmllist:xmllist = xmllist(mtip..item);      var count:int = itemxmllist.length();      var finalcount:int = count - 1;      //trace(finalcount);   function randomrange(minnum:number, maxnum:number):number   { return (math.floor(math.random() * (0 + 0 + 0)) + 12);  //+ 12 or 13   }  var randomnum = randomrange(0, finalcount);  trace(randomrange(11, 11));   flashtip.htmltext = mtip.channel.item[randomnum].description.text();   } 

getting node currency

to exact node needed currency, search currency code. if currency can't found in list, function return null;

function getnodebycurrency(currency:string, currencydata:xml):xml {     var items:xmllist = currencydata..item;     var i:uint, len:uint = items.length();      (i; < len; ++i) {         if (string(items[i].title).indexof(currency) != -1) {             return items[i];         }     }      //currency isn't found     return null; } 


trace(getnodebycurrency("usd", xmldata)); trace(getnodebycurrency("cad", xmldata).description); 

getting random value predefined range.

if want random value range, should change function bit:

function randomvaluefromrange(minvalue:int, maxvalue:int):int {     return minvalue + math.random() * (maxvalue - minvalue); } 

without errors of duplicated values?

if want exclude value range (generate unique value), can pass previous value:

function randomvaluewithexclude(minvalue:int, maxvalue:int, excludevalue:int):int {     var result:int = randomvaluefromrange(minvalue, maxvalue);     while (result == excludevalue) {         result = randomvaluefromrange(minvalue, maxvalue);     }     return result; } 

here example how use it. every 8 seconds show new tip, isn't equal previous:

var timer:timer = new timer(8000); var count:int = itemxmllist.length(); var currentvalue:int = -1; timer.addeventlistener(timerevent.timer, ontimer); timer.start();  function ontimer(e:timerevent):void {     currentvalue = randomvaluewithexclude(0, count, currentvalue);     flashtip.htmltext = mtip.channel.item[currentvalue].description.text(); } 


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