go - golang revel app failing to compile after upgrading OSX command line tools -

i playing around revel sample bookings app (http://robfig.github.io/revel/samples/booking.html) , working fine.

after upgrading osx command line tools apple developer site, app refuses start:

info  2014/03/10 23:33:46 harness.go:165: listening on :9000 trace 2014/03/10 23:34:00 harness.go:126: rebuild trace 2014/03/10 23:34:00 build.go:127: exec: [/usr/local/bin/git describe --always --dirty] trace 2014/03/10 23:34:00 build.go:77: exec: [/usr/local/bin/go build -ldflags -x github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking/app.app_version "git-930a54f" -tags gorp -o /users/nrser/dev/gopath/bin/booking github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking/app/tmp] error 2014/03/10 23:34:02 build.go:84: # github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking/app/tmp xcrun: error: failed exec real xcrun. (no such file or directory) go install github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking/app/tmp: build output "/users/nrser/dev/gopath/bin/booking" exists , not object file  error 2014/03/10 23:34:02 build.go:247: failed parse build errors:  # github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking/app/tmp xcrun: error: failed exec real xcrun. (no such file or directory) go install github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking/app/tmp: build output "/users/nrser/dev/gopath/bin/booking" exists , not object file 

i tried rm /users/nrser/dev/gopath/bin/booking, when attempting revel run github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking:

info  2014/03/10 23:38:13 harness.go:165: listening on :9000 trace 2014/03/10 23:38:16 harness.go:126: rebuild trace 2014/03/10 23:38:16 build.go:127: exec: [/usr/local/bin/git describe --always --dirty] trace 2014/03/10 23:38:16 build.go:77: exec: [/usr/local/bin/go build -ldflags -x github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking/app.app_version "git-930a54f" -tags gorp -o /users/nrser/dev/gopath/bin/booking github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking/app/tmp] trace 2014/03/10 23:38:18 app.go:56: exec app: /users/nrser/dev/gopath/bin/booking [/users/nrser/dev/gopath/bin/booking -port=56507 -importpath=github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking -runmode=dev] error 2014/03/10 23:38:18 app.go:58: error running: fork/exec /users/nrser/dev/gopath/bin/booking: exec format error 

i'm assuming has stuff being built using old command line tools , stuff new version, don't know how clean binaries out or force rebuild of packages or whatever required. appreciated.

some possibly relevant dumps:

uname -a

darwin mba2 12.5.0 darwin kernel version 12.5.0: sun sep 29 13:33:47 pdt 2013; root:xnu-2050.48.12~1/release_x86_64 x86_64 

go env

goarch="amd64" gobin="" gochar="6" goexe="" gohostarch="amd64" gohostos="darwin" goos="darwin" gopath="/users/nrser/dev/gopath" gorace="" goroot="/usr/local/cellar/go/1.2/libexec" gotooldir="/usr/local/cellar/go/1.2/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64" term="dumb" cc="/usr/local/bin/gcc-4.2" gogccflags="-g -o2 -fpic -m64 -pthread -fno-common" cxx="clang++" cgo_enabled="1" 

go installed via homebrew,

go version

go version go1.2 darwin/amd64 


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