scala - how to deal with a sbt multi project with non-standard artifacts? -

what trying do:

first, let me present (very) simplified version of i'm trying achieve. consider following multi-project:

root |___backend |    |___frontend | |___deployer 

the backend packaged onejar, , performs standalone process background work. frontend web-service play project (packaged zip file dist). deployer yet self executable jar packaged onejar, packaging modified include other projects artifacts. deployer job initialize system. deploys other artifacts specified machines, , initializes distributed system.

what problem:

basically, i'm trying (unsuccessfully) play's dist zip artifact & backend onejar self executable artifact packaged inside deployer jar (with other resources files)

the deployer jar should like:

deployer-executable.jar |___0/ |   |___backend-selfexec.jar |   | | |___1/ |   |___other resources (mostly configuration files) |   |___ ... | |___meta-inf/ ... |___com/simontuffs/onejar/ ... |___doc/ ... |___lib/ ... |___main/deployer-version.jar |___other resources (such logback.xml) , onejar files.... 

what have far:


...  lazy val backend = project in file("backend")   lazy val frontend = project in file("frontend")   lazy val deployer = project in file("deployer") dependson(backend % "optional->compile", frontend % "optional->compile")    aggregate(backend, frontend)  ... 


...  seq(com.github.retronym.sbtonejar.onejarsettings: _*)  exportjars := true  mainclass in onejar := some("org.product.backend.main")  artifact in onejar <<= modulename(artifact(_, "selfexec"))  addartifact(artifact in (compile, onejar), onejar)  ... 


import play.project._  ...  play.project.playscalasettings  lazy val dist = com.typesafe.sbt.sbtnativepackager.nativepackagerkeys.dist  lazy val publishdist = taskkey[sbt.file]("publish-dist", "publish dist artifact")  publish <<= (publish) dependson dist  publishlocal <<= (publishlocal) dependson dist  artifact in publishdist ~= {   (art: artifact) => art.copy(`type` = "zip", extension = "zip", classifier = some("dist")) }  publishdist <<= (target in universal, normalizedname, version) map { (targetdir, id, version) =>   val packagename = s"$id-$version"   targetdir / (packagename + ".zip") }  addartifact(artifact in publishdist, publishdist)  ... 


...  seq(com.github.retronym.sbtonejar.onejarsettings: _*)  exportjars := true  mainclass in onejar := some("org.product.deployer.main")  unmanagedresources in compile := seq() //don't add resources "src/main/resources" inner jar, fat one-jar.  classpathtypes :=  classpathtypes.value + "zip" //don't ommit dist zip file classpath  mappings in onejar := {     def isneedtobeindir0(f: file) = f.getname == "" || f.getname == "backend-version-selfexec.jar"     def nameforpackaging(name: string): string = if(name.contains("frontend")) "" else "backend.jar"     //following method replaced with:     def files2tuplerec(pathprefix: string, dir: file): seq[tuple2[file,string]] = { flatmap {             f => {                 if(f.isfile) seq((f,s"${pathprefix}${f.getname}"))                 else files2tuplerec(s"${pathprefix}${f.getname}/",f)             }         }     }     val oldseq = (mappings in onejar).value     oldseq.filternot(t => isneedtobeindir0(t._1)) ++      oldseq.filter(t => isneedtobeindir0(t._1)).map{         case (f,_) => (f,s"/0/${nameforpackaging(f.getname)}") //not working     } ++      files2tuplerec("",file("deployer/src/main/resources")) }  //following lines commented out because it's not working, shows i'm trying do. //(types wrong. need file have sbt.artifact):  //mappings in onejar <+= (artifact in localproject("backend") in onejar) map {_ -> "/0/backend.jar"}   //mappings in onejar <+= (artifact in localproject("frontend") in onejar) map {_ -> "/0/"}   artifact in onejar <<= modulename(artifact(_, "executable"))  addartifact(artifact in (compile, onejar), onejar)  ... 

notice in root build.sbt, have per-configuration classpath dependencies "optional->compile". iv'e put there after looking @ ivy.xml file:

...  <configurations>          <conf name="compile" visibility="public" description=""/>          <conf name="runtime" visibility="public" description="" extends="compile"/>          <conf name="test" visibility="public" description="" extends="runtime"/>          <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description=""/>          <conf name="optional" visibility="public" description=""/>          <conf name="sources" visibility="public" description=""/>          <conf name="pom" visibility="public" description=""/>  </configurations>  <publications>          <artifact name="frontend_2.10" type="zip" ext="zip" conf="compile,runtime,test,provided,optional,sources,pom" e:classifier="dist"/>          <artifact name="frontend_2.10" type="pom" ext="pom" conf="pom"/>          <artifact name="frontend_2.10" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="compile"/>          <artifact name="frontend_2.10" type="src" ext="jar" conf="sources" e:classifier="sources"/>  </publications> ... 

and seeing artifact found in optional scope, thought artifact dependency way (not seem working though...). also, when tried out commented out lines, got error saying it's wrong type.


as i'm writing question, figured out i've done wrong...


there's few things missed (to snippets copy & pasted...). first, deployer should not dependon(backend,frontend) @ all. aggregate. moreover, these artifacts (backend & frontend) should not visible on deployer's classpath @ all. line:

classpathtypes :=  classpathtypes.value + "zip" 

is unneeded. also, code transform mappings in onejar in deployer/build.sbt file, more simple. need take care of resources. , finally, commented out lines, should be:

mappings in onejar <+= (artifactpath in localproject("backend") in onejar) map {_ -> "0/backend.jar"}   mappings in onejar <+= (packagebin in localproject("frontend") in universal) map {_ -> "0/"} 

that's pretty it.
