CSS Diplay box and flex on Firefox -

i have navbar in css uses display: flex; , display: box; on parent , children (respectively). first html element uses flex where:

  • .menu-item has 1 part
  • .submenu-items have 4 parts

the repartition fixed.

then submenu use box , set box-flex: 1; can use space want.

the navbar renders corectly in chrome, safari , ie. firefox doesn't render correctly.

how it's rendering in chrome (and should in ff) : enter image description here

how it's rendering in ff : enter image description here

i have dabblet exemple of bug.

firefox needs display:flex; justify-content:space-around; .dropdon-menu. uses new syntax . http://css-tricks.com/old-flexbox-and-new-flexbox/ dabblet updated : http://dabblet.com/gist/9468022


justify-content doesn't feed needs , @ flex properties.

you can set flex:1; .submenu-item :

some explanations here : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/web/css/flex

result : http://dabblet.com/gist/9470629
