plugins - Automatically recognized objects transferred into ROIs in Imagej -

i facing challange in field , need advices.

i have image tree rings.

to see photo want work with, can check dropbox:

i write macro/task... in program recognize each ring , mark roi. trying make task using plugins: template matching, feature finder , visual grap. rings extremely variable.

what need that: analyze particles function program recognize vessels (objects) on thresholded image. second step fun: each particle, check if there particle around in range of 0.5 mm. if is, creates roi including both particles , searches next particle in range of 0.5 mm...

there smillar method [] here macro @ first calculates differences between 2 serial particles, need include particles in range of 0.5 mm.

the following imagej macro code makes use of maximum , minimum filters in imagej perform morphological closing operation on particles in sample image, , uses particle analyzer create rois those:

open(""); run("duplicate...", "title=[temporary copy]"); run("8-bit"); setautothreshold("default"); run("analyze particles...", "size=100-infinity show=masks clear include in_situ"); run("maximum...", "radius=70"); run("minimum...", "radius=70"); run("analyze particles...", "size=100-infinity clear add"); selectwindow("sample.jpg"); roimanager("show labels"); roimanager("show all"); 


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