how to get xml attribute values by its name in c# -

<entity>     <fields>         - <field name="expected">           <value>011919884841926</value>            </field>         - <field name="name">           <value>dial</value>      </fields>     <fields>.....</fields>     <fields>.....</fields>     <fields>.....</fields>     <fields>......</fields>     <fields>....</fields> </entity> 

how dial = 011919884841926 key value pair in c#.

list<dictionary<string, string>> tempdefect = new list<dictionary<string, string>>();                 if (!string.isnullorempty(responsexml))                 {                     xmldocument configxml = new xmldocument();                     configxml.loadxml(responsexml);                     xpathnavigator navigator = configxml.createnavigator();                     xpathnodeiterator nodeiterator = (xpathnodeiterator)navigator.evaluate(rootentities + "/" + rootentity + "/" + rootelement);                     (int = 0; < nodeiterator.count; i++)                     {                         nodeiterator.movenext();                         dictionary<string, string> tempdefectrows = new dictionary<string, string>();                         configxml = new xmldocument();                         configxml.loadxml(nodeiterator.current.outerxml.tostring());                         navigator = configxml.createnavigator();                         xpathnodeiterator nodeiterator1 = (xpathnodeiterator)navigator.evaluate(rootelement + "/" + loginparamselement);                          if (nodeiterator.count != 0)                         {                             (int j = 0; j < nodeiterator1.count; j++)                             {                                 nodeiterator1.movenext();                                 xmlnode node = ((ihasxmlnode)nodeiterator1.current).getnode();                                 if (attributes.contains((t)enum.parse(typeof(t), node.attributes["name"].value.tostring().replace("-", "_"), true)))                                 {                                     if (node.haschildnodes)                                     {                                         configxml.loadxml(node.innerxml.tostring());                                         xpathnavigator navigator2 = configxml.createnavigator();                                         xpathnodeiterator nodeiterator2 = (xpathnodeiterator)navigator2.evaluate("value");                                          if (nodeiterator2.current.tostring().trim() != striptagschararray(nodeiterator2.current.tostring().replace("&nbsp;", "").trim()).trim())                                             {                                                 tempdefectrows.add(node.attributes["name"].value.tostring(), striptagschararray(nodeiterator2.current.tostring().replace("&nbsp;", "").trim()).trim());                                             }                                             else                                             {                                                 tempdefectrows.add(node.attributes["name"].value.tostring(), nodeiterator2.current.tostring().trim());                                             }                                     }                                     else                                     {                                         tempdefectrows.add(node.attributes["name"].value.tostring(), string.empty);                                     }                                 }                             }                             if (tempdefectrows.containsvalue(filterby))                             {                                 testid = tempdefectrows["id"].tostring();                                 tempdefect.add(tempdefectrows);                                 if (typeof(t).name.tostring() == "test")                                     break;                             }                          }                     }                 } 

this research , work arround. im getting desired out put after 2 3 loops... thats reasson have posted here..... there easy way solution.

using linq xml

var xdoc = xdocument.load(filename); var dict = xdoc.descendants("fields")             .todictionary(f => getvalue(f, "name"), f => getvalue(f, "expected"));   string getvalue(xelement root, string attr) {     return root.elements("field")                 .first(a => a.attribute("name").value == attr)                 .element("value").value; } 


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