delphi - What is the correct way to free embed object in TOmniMessage? -

i have tasks sending various messages data.

for example:

task.comm.send(msg_job_error,[string, string,string,string,string, tobject]) ; 

on receiving side have

procedure tudpbroadcast.onworkerjoberror(var msg: tomnimessage); var      s : string ; begin     try         s := 'task: ' + msg.msgdata.asarrayitem[0].asstring + ', ip: ' +                  msg.msgdata.asarrayitem[1].asstring + ', port: ' +               msg.msgdata.asarrayitem[2].asstring +              ', data: ' + msg.msgdata.asarrayitem[3].asstring + ', reply: '+                msg.msgdata.asarrayitem[4].asstring  ;         xlog('job error > ' + s, 'udpbroadcast') ;         processworkobject(msg.msgdata.asarrayitem[4].asobject) ;              msg.msgdata.clear ;     end; end;  

but don't feel msgdata.clear correctly unallocate memory.

what correct handling of tomnivalue deallocation?

msg.msgdata tomnivalue. in recent versions of omnithreadlibrary, tomnivalue can own object setting tomnivalue.ownsobject:=true, , has other helper methods facilitate functionality. if ownsobject true, object freed when tomnivalue freed, not have worry memory management longer.


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