c# - Comparing Lists using Except method -

i have 2 lists wish compare. trying use except method list of different rows between lists. nothing appears happen. cannot see value list called missingauto , in immediate window tells me missingauto list not exist in current context.

the bottom section of code has implementation of iequalitycomparer.

for(int = 0; < _fundcodes.count; i++)         {             _hldlistauto = db.checkholdings(dtupload, "holdings", _fundcodes[i]);             _hldlistman = db.checkholdings(dtupload, "holdings_live", _fundcodes[i]);              // search through mannual list first             list<holding> missingauto = _hldlistman.except(_hldlistauto, new holding.comparer()).tolist();             list<holding> missingman = _hldlistauto.except(_hldlistman, new holding.comparer()).tolist();         }   class stockdetail {     public string idsearch { get; set; }     public string idsedol { get; set; }     public double price { get; set; }     public string name { get; set; } }  class holding : stockdetail {             public string fundcode { get; set; }     public string currency { get; set; }     public double nominal { get; set; }      public class comparer : iequalitycomparer<holding>     {         public bool equals(holding x, holding y)         {             return x.fundcode == y.fundcode && x.idsedol == y.idsedol && x.nominal == y.nominal && x.currency == y.currency;         }          public int gethashcode(holding obj)         {             int hash = 17;             hash = hash * 23 + (obj.fundcode ?? "").gethashcode();             hash = hash * 23 + (obj.idsedol ?? "").gethashcode();             hash = hash * 23 + (obj.nominal).gethashcode();             hash = hash * 23 + (obj.currency ?? "").gethashcode();             return hash;         }     } } 

works me. following code:

list<holding> _hldlistauto = new list<holding> {     new holding { fundcode = "asdf" },     new holding { fundcode = "qwer" }, }; list<holding> _hldlistman = new list<holding> {     new holding { fundcode = "qwer" },     new holding { fundcode = "zxcv" }, }; list<holding> missingauto = _hldlistman.except(_hldlistauto, new holding.comparer()).tolist(); list<holding> missingman = _hldlistauto.except(_hldlistman, new holding.comparer()).tolist(); foreach (var holding in missingauto)     console.writeline("missing auto " + holding.fundcode); foreach (var holding in missingman)     console.writeline("missing man " + holding.fundcode); 


missing auto zxcv missing man asdf 

the behavior describe when debugging sounds built release mode, , variables optimized away. should build debug when plan debug, things work way expect.


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