How to use regex to parse a S3 bucket list of files - Python -

i have following method:

def scan_s3dir(dirname):     try:         cmd = "s3cmd ls {s3bucket} --recursive".format(s3bucket=dirname)         output = subprocess.check_output([cmd],                                          stdin=none,                                          shell=true)         #s3://dgsecure/test_data/         regex = "dgsecure/test_data/[^/]*/(\s+)*"         installers = re.findall(regex, output)         print installers     except exception, e:         print e         sys.exit(2) 

when execute s3cmd ls /path/to/bucket --recursive get:

2014-02-14 02:21         0   s3://path/to/bucket/ 2014-02-14 17:32       236   s3://path/to/bucket/foo.txt 2014-02-26 23:31      6035   s3://path/to/bucket/bar.txt 2014-02-14 22:17      2960   s3://path/to/bucket/baz.txt 

from regular expression, want produce list files, including subdir present in //path/to/bucket/ example like:


the output have returned is:

['s3://path/to/bucket/foo.txt', 's3://path/to/bucket/bar.txt', 's3:////path/to/bucket/baz.txt'] 

what missing in regular expression?

try running command :

s3cmd ls {s3bucket} --recursive | tr -s ' ' | cut -d " " -f 4  
