Multi tenant rails app with devise -

i'm trying build multi tenanted app in which different banks separated subdomain. part working fine. there 1 more level of multitenancy bank products.

  • each bank has multiple products
  • a devise user can belong on product
  • this means have register twice 2 products of same bank though under same subdomain(client requirement can't change)
  • because of can have same email address 2 products. uniqueness scoped product_id
  • so have select product while signing in , signing up

this how i'm trying implement above solution

around_filter :scope_current_bank, :scope_current_product before_filter :authenticate_user!  helper_method :current_bank, :current_product  def current_bank   @current_bank = bank.find_by_subdomain!(request.subdomains.first) end  def current_product   if user_signed_in?     @current_product = current_bank.products.find_by_id(params[:product_id])   else     @current_product = current_user.product   end end  def scope_current_bank   bank.current_id =   yield ensure   bank.current_id = nil end  def scope_current_product   product.current_id = ( rescue nil)   yield ensure   product.current_id = nil end 

now problem while user sigining in, scope_current_product method calls user_signed_in?, fails because product_id nil. enters else block after expect call authenticate_user! before_filter not happen authentication done. message saying authentication failed.

is way call authenticate_user again?

although not direct answer, give ideas:


perhaps should @ - is there difference between authentication , authorization? - there's good railscast this

i think issue comes down idea need authenticate user once (login / logout), should authorize user work different resources


a devise user can belong on product - recommend this:

#app/models/product_user.rb class productuser < activerecord::base     belongs_to :product     belongs_to :user end  #app/models/product.rb class product < activerecord::base     has_many :product_users     has_many :users, through: :product_users end  #app/models/user.rb class user < activerecord::base     has_many :product_users     has_many :products, through: :product_users end 

this typical has_many :through association:

@user.products @product.users 


it means can use cancan this:

class ability   include cancan::ability    def initialize(user)     user ||= # guest user (not logged in)     if user       can :manage, product, users.exists?(     else       can :read, :all     end   end end 

this allows control products user can edit / access. code needs tweaked, hope shows value of authorization on trying multiple authentications


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