c# - how to implement variable initialization when loading dll in net? -

made dynamic loading dll using reflection how implement variable initialization @ boot?

 private bool loadplugins( string path )         {             try             {                 string[] pluginfiles = directory.getfiles(path, "*.dll");          plugins = new list<iplugin>();          ( int = 0; < pluginfiles.length; i++ )         {             string args = pluginfiles[i].substring(pluginfiles[ ].lastindexof( "\\" ) + 1, pluginfiles[ ].indexof( ".dll" ) -                 pluginfiles[ ].lastindexof( "\\" ) - 1 );              type objtype = null;             try             {                 assembly ass = null;                 assemblyname myassemblyname = assemblyname.getassemblyname(pluginfiles[i].tostring());                 ass = assembly.load(myassemblyname/*args*/);                 var s = ass.fullname;                 if ( ass != null )                 {                     objtype = ass.gettype(args + ".plugin");                 }             }             catch             {                 continue;       //если плагин корявый переходим к следующей итерации;             }              try             {                 if ( objtype != null )                 {                     plugins.add( (iplugin)activator.createinstance( objtype ) );                     plugins[ plugins.count - 1 ].host = this;                  }             }             catch             {                 return true;             }         } 

i think confused between instance , assembly. believe trying set value of variable in class in assembly. now, variables come existence when create instance of said class.

if take @ assembly.createinstance method, allow set values well. however, these can constructor parameters. if these variables outside of constructor parameter, can make use of this:

assembly assembly = assembly.load("assemblyname");         type objecttype = assembly.gettype("typename");          object dynamicobject = activator.createinstance(objecttype);          objecttype.getfield("variablename").setvalue(dynamicobject, "fieldvalue"); 


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