liferay p_p_lifecycle change render -

could please help? use liferay 6.1;

the case is: several portlets on page(search, login , others portlets). jsession timeout. try search, go login page. but: url en/start?p_p_state=normal&p_p_lifecycle=1&p_p_id=search_war_instance_1x2x&p_l_id=10715&p_auth=lys61bin&p_p_mode=view&p_v_l_s_g_id=0

and error search portlet ("you not have permission access" ). if set p_p_lifecycle=0 -> no error.

question how change p_p_lifecycle. thank lot

lifecycle param used specify method phase of portlet has called, method called. 0 render, 1 processaction, 2 serveresource. if use jsp liferay-portlet taglib, can change lifecycle calling :

  • renderurl render method;
  • actionurl processaction method;
  • resourceurl serveresource method.

for example :

<liferay-portlet:actionurl var="myurl"> </liferay-portlet:actionurl> 

this code create url processaction (lifecycle=1) in variable called "myurl". can use url that, example :

<aui:form action="${myurl}" method="post">...</aui:form> 

hope helps you.

